Fm Fermium     Atomic number : 100 
    Relative atomic mass (12C = 12.0000) :  257.0951 (Fm-257) 
    P H Y S I C A L     D A T A
Group 3 actinide
Density / kg m-3 :  n.a.
Melting point / K :  n.a. 
Boiling point / K :  n.a.
    D I S C O V E R Y
Fermium was discovered in the debris of the 1952 thermonuclear explosion in the Pacific by G.R. Choppin, S.G. Thompson, A. Ghiorso and B.G. Harvey.
    G E O L O G I C A L     D A T A
Sun (relative to H = 1 × 1012) : n.a.
Earth's crust / p.p.m. : nil
Seawater / p.p.m. : nil
    B I O L O G I C A L     D A T A
Level in humans
Daily dietary intake : nil
Total mass of element
in average (70 kg) person :


NetElements II  

A portrait of fermium is available on the Visual Elements site. Up to 200 individual items of information on this element are available in The Elements.

Text copyright John Emsley 1999.   HTML and page layout copyright Simon Hall 1999.
Unauthorised reproduction of any aspect of this site is strictly prohibited.
NetElements II last modified October 27th, 1999