The Silicon Graphics Teaching Laboratory has been replaced by the Chemi
cal Information Laboratory and this information is for historical interest only
Protein Data Bank
Formerly the Brookhaven Protein Database
Home Page of the Protein Data Bank
The protein database (PDB) is available in /usr/bigdisk/brookhaven. It can also be search using quest.
Type "quest filename -db PDB". When the search is complete, type
"pdbget -l -d -f" to copy the pdb files that have been found into your current directory.
The database may also be searched over the WWW. The mirror site closest to Cambridge is at the
European Bioinformatics Institute. The database is also available
from the School of Biological Sciences.
You may be interested in the SCOP database, which classifies proteins by structure.
The National Center for Biotechnology Information (USA)
is a related resource.