Department of Chemistry

CAT98 - 2nd Announcement


Call for Abstracts

7th International Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Heterogeneous Catalysis

Downing College, Cambridge, UK
25th-28th August 1998

Sponsored by:

ICI Katalco, Johnson Matthey PLC and Olivetti Research

Bursaries for Young Scientists
Following support from the EC TMR Programme, bursaries are available to qualifying scientists who are under 35

OLIVETTI RESEARCH PRIZES for the best talk and the best poster by a graduate student.

Local Organizing Committee:
DA King, A Wander, RM Lambert, M Payne, NC Handy, DJ Wales

International Scientific Committee:
EJ Baerends, PS Bagus, DM Bird, CRA Catlow, G Ertl, MJ Gillan, S Holloway, F Illas, BI Lundqvist, M Neurock, C Noguera, JK Nørskov, G Pacchioni,
TA Pakkanen, C Pisani, N Rosch, J Sauer, P Sautet, and M Scheffler

Invited Speakers:

F Besenbacher (University of Aarhus )
Dynamics of diffusion, adsorption and reactions on metal surfaces studied by STM
EA Carter (University of California at Los Angeles )
Ab initio CI/DFT embedding theory of chemisorption on metals and metal oxides
CRA Catlow (The Royal Institution of Great Britain )
Modelling of diffusion and reactivity in microporous materials
MJ Gillan (Keele University )
The systematics of acid-base reactions on oxide surfaces: insights from first-principles calculations
Y Inoue (Nagaoka University of Technology )
Accoustic wave effects on activity and selectivity of thin film catalysts combined with ferro-electric substrates
C Noguera (The University of Paris-Sud )
Electronic processes on polar and non-stoichiometric oxide surfaces
JK Nørskov (Technical University of Denmark )
Dissociation and further reation of CO, NO and N2 on transition metal surfaces
SM Roberts (University of Liverpool )
Use of natural and non-natural biocatalysts in the preparartion of optically active pharmaceuticals
N Rosch (Technical University of Munich)
Metal species at ionic substrates (oxides and zeolites)
A Selloni (University of Geneva )
Adsorption of molecules and clusters at oxide surfaces
E Tossati (University of Trieste )
Simulations of adsorption-induced deconstruction
JL Whitten (North Carolina State University )
Catalytic and photochemical reactions on Pt and Ni surfaces
M Wolf (Fritz-Haber Institute, Berlin )
Ultrafast surface dynamics of electrons and individual molecules


The conference will cover the following topic areas. Contributions on these, or other related topics are welcomed. Participants can apply to make an oral contribution or to display a poster.

These should be one page of A4 with 25mm margins all round. Please use Times Font size 12 double spacing. Diagrams are permited but no colour.

Deadline for Abstracts: 30th April 1998
Deadline for Registration: 15th June 1998

Your abstract will be acknowledged within one week of receipt. Registration forms should be returned as soon as possible to secure a young scientist's bursary.
These will be offered on a first come first served basis and payment of the registration fee (minus bursary amount) must be received before 15th June
in order to confirm this bursary.

Travel Information
Air - Cambridge has its own airport, but with very limited international flights. Otherwise Stansted Airport is recommended. There is a regular coach
service from all 3 London Airports to Cambridge (Gatwick 3+ hrs, Heathrow 2 hours, Stansted 30 minutes) Gatwick and Heathrow are also accessible by train.
Downing College is 5 minutes walk from the Central Coach Station, but arrival by train or at Cambridge Airport would necessitate a bus or taxi journey.
The Railway Station is 5-10 minutes by bus from Downing College. Car Parking is available at Downing College. Some further general information is available
from the city council home page .

The first session of the meeting will be after lunch on 25th. The last session is on the morning of 28th.

For Further information and if you would like to be included on the mailing list for the second announcement
(available from end February '98) please e-mail: or write to
Sue Free, CAT98, Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, Lensfield Road, Cambridge, CB2 1EW, UK.

Registration Form

Personal details
Name   .........................................................................

Place of Work .........................................................................

Address  .........................................................................

e-mail Address 1 .........................................................................

Male                Female

Registration Fee (please tick as appropriate)
The registration fee includes 3 nights accommodation (25th, 26th and 27th), all meals and 
refreshments during the conference, starting with lunch of 25th, and the conference dinner 
on 27th.  (Lunch will not be available at Downing College on 28th) Non-residents fee 
includes dinners as well as lunch, but not breakfast.

Resident Fee #260-00
Non Resident Fee (including all meals)  #175-00
Special Dietary needs
(Please Specify)..................................................................................

Young Scientists
Are you entering for the Olivetti Prize as a registered Student 2?

100 bursaries of #100-00 each are available on a first come first served basis to assist young scientists 
from the EU with attendance at the conference. Do you wish to apply for a bursary? 3

Would you prefer
Oral Presentation

1 IMPORTANT:- Communications concerning CAT98 will be conducted via e-mail
2 Please enclose a letter of confirmation from your supervisor
3 To qualify you must be an EU citizen (or associate states:
Norway, Iceland, Israel and Liechtenstein) and aged under 35. Please include a photocopy of your passport for confirmation