Fr | Francium |
Atomic number : 87
Relative atomic mass (12C = 12.0000) : 223.0197 (Fr-223) |
P H Y S I C A L D A T A | |
Group 1 alkali metal Density / kg m-3 : n.a. |
Melting point / K : 300 Boiling point / K : 950 |
D I S C O V E R Y | |
Discovered in 1939 by Marguerite Perey at Paris, France. |
G E O L O G I C A L D A T A | |
Abundances Sun (relative to H = 1 × 1012) : n.a. Earth's crust / p.p.m. : traces |
Seawater / p.p.m. : nil |
B I O L O G I C A L D A T A | |
Level in humans Organs: nil |
Daily dietary intake : nil Total mass of element in average (70 kg) person : nil |
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A portrait of francium is available on the Visual Elements site. Up to 200 individual items of information on this element are available in The Elements. |