Chemical Informatics Letters

Volume 4, Issue 1; January 2002

Editor: Jonathan M Goodman


World Technology Awards
The award winners have been published in Nature. Craig Venter wins the biotechnology award. Gordon Moore wins information technology. George Whitesides wins the materials award, and Richard Friend is a runner up in the commerce section.

European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics: ERCIM news has an issue devoted to Grid computation and e-science

Way Back Machine
Search the web as it was, using this huge archive of web data. For

New bandwidth
The pan-European Gigabit Research and Education Network is in full service from December 1st 2001.
SciDev.Net is a free-access, Internet-based network devoted to reporting on and discussing those aspects of modern science and technology that are relevant to sustainable development and the social and economic needs of developing countries.

An open-source program for Computer Assisted Structure Elucidation.

FTNMR Free Induction Decay Archive
An archive of NMR FIDs

Named reactions
A database of named reactions, from the University of Connecticut, listing about a hundred reactions.

A list of A-values, which are measures of the size of chemical groups, from the University of Wisconsin.

Chemistry acronyms
Chemistry is full of acronyms, and this database helps with some of the confusion. It is more specific for chemistry than the CIL glossary.

Web Sites:

A conference on bioinformatics run by IQPC (International Quality & Productivity Center) conference organisers.

The Bioinformatics Resource, from CCP11. This is the updated web site for CCP11.

Property Calculation
An on-line calculator from the University of Georgia. It can calculate "pKa, Properties, Kinetics and Hydrolysis" from SMILES strings.

Protein families database of alignments and HMMs from the Sanger Centre.

MSc in Molecular Modelling
Cardiff University has started an MSc course in molecular modelling, from October 2001.

© 2002 J M Goodman, Cambridge
Cambridge Chemistry Home Page CIL Chemical Calculations Goodman Research Group Webmaster: J M Goodman