Volume 4, Issue 1; January 2002
Editor: Jonathan M Goodman
- World Technology Awards
- The award winners have been published in Nature.
Craig Venter wins the biotechnology award.
Gordon Moore wins information technology.
George Whitesides wins the materials award, and Richard Friend is a runner up
in the commerce section.
- European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics:
ERCIM news
has an issue devoted to
Grid computation and e-science
- Way Back Machine
- Search the web as it was, using this huge archive of web data. For http://www.ch.cam.ac.uk/xxxxx
- New bandwidth
- The pan-European Gigabit Research and Education Network is in full service
from December 1st 2001.
- SciDev.net
- SciDev.Net is a free-access, Internet-based network devoted
to reporting on and discussing those aspects of modern science
and technology that are relevant to sustainable development
and the social and economic needs of developing countries.
- Seneca
- An open-source program for Computer Assisted Structure Elucidation.
- FTNMR Free Induction Decay Archive
- An archive of NMR FIDs
- Named reactions
- A database of named reactions, from the University of Connecticut, listing about a hundred reactions.
- A-values
- A list of A-values, which are measures of the size of chemical groups, from the University of Wisconsin.
- Chemistry acronyms
- Chemistry is full of acronyms, and this database helps with some of the confusion. It is more specific for chemistry than the CIL glossary.
- Bioinformatics
- A conference on bioinformatics run by IQPC (International Quality & Productivity Center) conference organisers.
- The Bioinformatics Resource, from CCP11. This is the updated web site for CCP11.
- Property Calculation
- An on-line calculator from the University of Georgia. It can calculate
"pKa, Properties, Kinetics and Hydrolysis" from SMILES strings.
- Pfam
- Protein families database of alignments and HMMs from the Sanger Centre.
- MSc in Molecular Modelling
- Cardiff University has started an MSc course in molecular modelling,
from October 2001.
© 2002 J M Goodman, Cambridge