the goodman group
university of cambridge  

   jonathan goodman

Professor of Chemistry at the University of Cambridge
Fellow of Clare College.

Google Scholar Profile
Web of Science (formerly Publons and ResearcherID: A-2123-2008)
ResearchGate Profile
ORCID: 0000-0002-8693-9136


Department staff page
Clare College page

Jonathan Goodman studied boron-mediated aldol reactions during his PhD with Professor Ian Paterson FRS at the University of Cambridge. He then did a post-doc with Professor Clark Still at Columbia University, before returning to the chemistry department at Cambridge, where he is now Professor of Chemistry, Deputy Director of the Centre for Molecular Informatics and a Fellow of Clare College. In 2013, he won the RSC's Bader Award. He is currently chair of the CSA Trust, a trustee of the CCDC, secretary of the IUPAC-InChI subcommittee and a committee member of the RSC's chemical information and computer applications group (CICAG).

© Goodman Group, 2005-2025; privacy; last updated March 13, 2025

department of chemistry University of Cambridge