| By date | current | historic || By title | current | current and historic |
- ACS 231st National Meeting and Exposition, Atlanta 4th - 5th April 2006
- 20th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education 17th - 21st August, 2008
- Lausanne Workshop on Chemical Information 3rd - 7th July, 2006
- Workshop on Chemical Information 26th - 28th September, 2007
- Theoretical Biophysics Symposium: (TheoBio-07) 18th - 20th June, 2007
- 4th Joint Sheffield Conference on Chemoinformatics 14th - 18th July, 2007
- 5th Joint Sheffield Conference on Chemoinformatics 17th January 2011
- Hands-on 5 Day eCheminfo Advanced Training Workshop 30th July - 3rd August, 2006
- Latest Advances in Drug Discovery Informatics 19th - 22nd October, 2008
- Latest Advances in Drug Discovery Design and Planning Methods 27th - 31st July, 2008
- 18th European Conference on Thermophysical Properties 6th - 7th September, 2008
- 45th Tutzing Symposion: Organocatalysis 16th-19th October, 2006
- Chemoinformatics in Europe: Research and Teaching 4th - 6th June, 2006
- Grand Challenges in Computational Biology, Joint BSC - IRB Barcelona Conference 22nd - 25th June, 2008
- International Conference on Cheminformatics 3rd - 7th September, 2006
- 16th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties 30th July - 4th August, 2006
- 17th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties 22nd - 27th June, 2009
- The International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Computational Chemistry in 2008 (TACC 2008) 7th October, 2008
- MGMS Spring Meeting: Bio-inorganic Chemistry 6th - 11th April, 2008
- 10th Conference in Advanced Medicinal Chemistry 3rd - 10th June, 2007
- The 2nd Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Symposium for Postgraduates 28th November, 2008
- Meeting in honour of Jean-Pierre Hansen 19th - 23rd August, 2007
- Visions of a Semantic Molecular Future 5th - 9th June, 2011
- 6th International Conference on the History of Chemistry 10th - 11th September, 2007
- UK QSAR Society Spring Meeting and CHARMm Workshop 14th - 19th May, 2006
- Collaborative Drug Discovery, Second Annual Community Meeting 9th October, 2008
- Academic Publishing in Europe (APE 2006) 27th - 28th April, 2006
- Functional Nanoscience: Beilstein Bozen Symposium 14th - 15th July, 2010
- Bringing together biomolecular simulation and experimental studies 10th - 14th September, 2007
- CALCON2006: 61st Calorimetry Conference 30th July - 4th August, 2006
- Biomolecular Simulation 2009 (CCPB) 18th - 21st March, 2009
- Biomolecular Simulation 2007: faster, bigger, better 21st - 24th January, 2007
- SymPOC2007 (Symposium on Physical Organic Chemistry) 24th April, 2007
- The 19th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education 30th July - 4th August, 2006
- Model(l)ing '09 The Annual International Meeting of the Molecular Graphics and Modelling Society ( MGMS ). 17th - 21st Maym 2010
- ACS 232nd National Meeting and Exposition, San Francisco 27th - 29th September, 2006
- Applying Mechanisms of Chemical Toxicity to Predict Drug Safety 14th - 16th June, 2006
- ACS 234th National Meeting and Exposition, Boston 26th - 30th August, 2007
- ACS 233rd National Meeting and Exposition, Chicago 2nd - 5th April, 2007
- ACS 235th National Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans 16th - 18th April, 2008
- ACS 236th National Meeting and Exposition, Philadelphia 26th - 29th August, 2008
- 7th European Conference on Computational Chemistry 14th - 19th September, 2008
- Computational Molecular Science 2008 21st - 25th July, 2008
- Bristol Synthesis Meeting 2007 19th - 20th April, 2007
- BIOWIRE 2007: A workshop on Bioinspired design of networks, in particular wireless networks and self-organizing properties of biological networks 17th April, 2007
- CompLife 2007: 3rd International Symposium on Computational Life Science 11th October, 2007
- MUG 2006 - Daylight User Group Meeting 10th - 14th September 2006
- 13th edition of the International Conference on the Applications of Density Functional Theory in Chemistry and Physics 2nd - 4th September, 2009
- 12th International Conference on the Applications of Density Functional Theory in Chemistry and Physics 28th August - 1st September, 2007
- 3rd EuCheMS Conference on Pericyclic Reactions 13th June, 2007
- SymPOC 2008: Physical Organic Chemistry Symposium 24th April, 2008
- 5th European Conference on Computational Biology 22nd - 24th January, 2007
- Latest Advances in Drug Discovery & Development 21st - 24th October, 2007
- Latest Advances in Drug Discovery Design and Planning Methods 18th October, 2006
- Latest Advances in Drug Discovery Design & Planning Methods 14th September, 2007
- Electronic Laboratory Notebooks & Data Management Technology 4th - 6th October, 2007
- 6th European Biophysics Congress 16th - 19th July, 2007
- 6th European Conference on Computational Chemistry 4th - 6th September, 2006
- Second German Conference on Chemoinformatics 13th - 17th November, 2006
- 3rd German Conference on Chemoinformatics 30th November, 2007
- German Conference on Chemoinformatics 11th December, 2008
- Structure Based Drug Design 30th June, 2006
- Structure-based design: sophisticated approaches to drug discovery 13th - 16th June, 2007
- CHI's Structure-Based Drug Design 21st - 26th June, 2009
- 13th ICQC: International Congress of Quantum Chemistry 2nd - 9th August, 2009
- UK-QSAR and Chemoinformatics Group meeting 12th - 14th November, 2006
- UK QSAR & ChemoInformatics Group Spring Meeting 6th - 11th May, 2007
- UK-QSAR and ChemoInformatics Group, Autumn 2007 Meeting 11th October, 2007
- UK-QSAR and ChemoInformatics Group 15th - 19th October, 2007
- UK-QSAR and ChemoInformatics Group Spring Meeting 22nd May, 2008
- UK-QSAR and ChemoInformatics Group 9th - 11th November, 2008
- ICCT2006: 19th International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics 30th July - 4th August, 2006
- ECAMP IX: 9th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons 25th - 26th May, 2007
- CompLife '06 8th - 11th October, 2006
- The International Conference in Trends for Scientific Information Professionals 11th - 13th November, 2007
- The International Conference in Trends for Scientific Information Professionals 6th November, 2008
- International Conference on Chemical Structures (Noordwijkerhout) 2nd - 4th June, 2008
- 9th International Conference on Chemical Structures
- Cutting Edge Approaches to Drug Design 2008 12th - 17th October, 2008
- MGMS Silver Jubilee Meeting 25th - 20th March, 2007
- MGMS Young Modellers' Forum 7th - 10th January, 2008
- MGMS Young Modellers' Forum 6th - 8th January, 2009
- MGMS Young Modellers' Forum 3rd - 5th January, 2007
- International Conference on Chemoinformatics 25th February - 2nd March, 2007
- The Tenth International Kyoto Conference on New Aspects of Organic Chemistry 1st December, 2006
- PhysChem FORUM 3 16th - 20th June, 2007
- 2008 Young(er) Physical Organic Chemists meeting in Castleton 11th - 15th September, 2008
- Pittcon 2007 13th March, 2007
- Patent Information: Overcoming Pitfalls and Enhancing Productivity 21st - 26th May, 2006
- 17th European Symposium on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships and Omics Technologies and Systems Biology 23rd - 27th September, 2008
- Virtual Discovery 26th - 30th March, 2006
- Open Access Publishing in the Chemical Sciences 25th - 30th May, 2008
- Faraday Discussion 135: Chemical Concepts from Quantum Mechanics 6th - 7th September, 2006
- Faraday Discussion 145: Frontiers in Physical Organic Chemistry 7th - 11th September, 2009
- Synthesis in Organic Chemistry 23rd - 25th July, 2007
- RSC Faraday Division: First Principles Computation of Structure and Dynamics 31st March - 2nd April, 2008
- XII-th International Congress of Quantum Chemistry (ICQC) 29th May - 1st June, 2006
- Thirteenth Summer School on Pharmaceutical Analysis 21st - 26th September, 2008
- 8th Swiss School on Medicinal Chemistry 13th - 17th October, 2008
- THERMO International 7th - 8th August, 2006
- UK-QSAR and ChemoInformatics Group, Spring meeting 4th - 5th June, 2009
- Sixth European Workshop in Drug Design 6th - 8th June, 2007
- First European Workshop in Drug Synthesis 20th - 25th May, 2006
- II EWDSy: Second European Workshop in Drug Synthesis 1st - 5th June, 2008
- 4th International Symposium on Computer Applications and Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry 31st August - 4th September, 2008
- First International Vibrational Optical Activity Conference 2008 1st - 5th September, 2008
- WATOC 2008 21st - 23rd September, 2008
- Computational Chemistry Conference 2009: Computer Aided Molecular Design 14th May, 2009
- Mona Symposium: Natural Products and Medicinal Chemistry 20th January, 2008
- 42nd IUPAC Congress: Chemistry Solutions 31st August - 4th September, 2009
© 2006-2007 J M Goodman, Cambridge; Chemical Informatics Letters ISSN 1752-0010