the goodman group
university of cambridge  

   Chemists in the UK (by Name)


Site A-Z - London Metropolitan
A.P. Abbott - Leicester
Abell - Cambridge
Prof Michael H Abraham - London - University College
Ray Abraham - Liverpool
Dr. I. Abrahams - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
Dr I Abrahams - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
Visiting Academics - Bristol
Accessibility - Sheffield
Site and Accessibility - Oxford
A Accessibility - London - School of Pharmacy
accommodation - Essex
Doctoral Training Accounts - Surrey
ACOL - Greenwich
Drug action - Cardiff - Welsh School of Pharmacy
Dr Chris Adams - Bristol
margaret.adams - Strathclyde
Mrs Margaret Adams - Strathclyde
Dr David B. Adams - Sunderland
Dave Adams - Heriot-Watt
ADDI - Newcastle
Jacob Adetunji - Derby
Dr R.M. Adlington - Oxford
Admin - Warwick
Administrative - Nottingham
ADRIAANSE, John - South Bank
MJ's Australian Adventure - Aberdeen
a.adya - Abertay Dundee
Kamyar Afarinkia - London - King's College
s.affrossman - Strathclyde
Dr Stanley Affrossman - Strathclyde
Ageing - Plymouth
Professor Varinder Aggarwal - Bristol
Plant Productivity and Sustainable Agriculture - Essex
Plant Productivity and Sustainable Agriculture - Essex
aha/ - Newcastle
Dr Kathy Ahluwalia - North London
Prof M M Ahmad - Teesside
Dr Sabbir Ahmed - Kingston
Ahmed, Waqar - Manchester Metropolitan
Dr R A Aitken - St Andrews
Sutherland AJ - Aston
Amass AJ - Aston
BASAK Ajit - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
AJMAL, Abdul - South Bank
j.akunna - Abertay Dundee - Strathclyde
Mr Jamal Al-Darweesh - Strathclyde
MACKAY Alan - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Mr AlanSpibey - Nottingham
Alavi - Cambridge
Dr Nathaniel W. Alcock - Warwick
Professor Roger Alder - Bristol
Dr S Aldridge - Cardiff
Alexander - Edinburgh
ALFORD, Neil - South Bank
Clifford Algebra - Aston
Dr Abil E Aliev - London - University College
Professor Neil Allan - Bristol
Allcock, Stan - Manchester Metropolitan
Professor R K Allemann - Cardiff
Prof R K Allemann - Birmingham
Dr Rudolf Allemann - Birmingham
Prof. D. W. Allen - Sheffield Hallam
Allen, Norman - Manchester Metropolitan
Frank Allen - Cambridge
Dr S M Allin - Loughborough
ALLISON, Peter - South Bank
ALLSOPP, Kit - South Bank
Mike Allwood - Derby
Matthew Almond - Reading
listed Alphabetically - Plymouth
Althorpe, S.C, Dr - Nottingham
AMACOM - Brighton
Amacom - Brighton
AMASS, Dr Allan - Aston
COLE Ambrose - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
AMIN, Jyoti - South Bank
AMIN, Javaid - South Bank
Dr A Amoroso - Cardiff
Image Analysis - Plymouth
Instrumental chemical analysis - Paisley
Ion beam analysis - Durham
SEC / thermal analysis - Durham
MarineIndustrial Dynamic Analysis - Plymouth
Speciation and Environmental Analysis - Plymouth
Professor MW Anderson - UMIST
Dr RozJ. Anderson - Sunderland
ANDERSON, Bill - South Bank
Professor H.L. Anderson - Oxford
Anderson, J.C., Professor - Nottingham
Prof J Edgar Anderson - London - University College
Dr P A Anderson - Birmingham
Dr Paul Anderson - Birmingham
Prof. Jim Anderson - Aberdeen
James A. Anderson - Aberdeen
Anderton, Graham - Manchester Metropolitan
Dr K Ando - Birmingham
Dr Koji Ando - Birmingham
Palaeontology andPalaeoenvironments - Plymouth
PURKISS Andrew - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
DAVIES Andrew - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
CARNEGIE Andrew - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
David L. Andrews - UEA
ANDREWS, Deborah - South Bank
LEBEDEV Andrey - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
OREILLY Andrias - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
prokopis.andrikopoulos - Strathclyde
Mr Prokopis Andrikopoulos - Strathclyde
NICOLAS Anne - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Richard Ansell - Leeds
Dr Fred Antson - York
Dr M M Anwar - Teesside - Strathclyde
Dr Ian Apple - Strathclyde
ross.archer - Strathclyde
Mr Ross Archer - Strathclyde
Dr. S.J. Archibald - Hull
ArchitectureDesign - South Bank
School of ArchitectureDesign - Plymouth
Where we are - UMIST
Who we are - Paisley
by Interest Area - Plymouth
elhussen.arebi - Strathclyde
Mr Elhussen Arebi - Strathclyde
Arlen, C., Mrs - Nottingham
Prof Steven Armes - Sheffield
D.A. 'Fred' Armitage - London - King's College
Armitage - De Montfort
Dr Hazel Armour - Ulster
d.r.armstrong - Strathclyde
Dr David R Armstrong - Strathclyde
Professor F.A. Armstrong - Oxford
Alan Armstrong - London - Imperial College
Dr S K Armstrong - Glasgow
Arnold, P.L., Dr - Nottingham
Heike Arnolds - Cambridge
Valeria Arrighi - Heriot-Watt
Curly Arrows - Aberdeen
ArtDesign - NEWI (North East Wales)
Dan Ashby - Bristol
Professor Mike Ashfold - Bristol
Mr P R Ashton - Birmingham
Stephen H. Ashworth - UEA
Helen Aspinall - Liverpool
ASTLEY, Philip - South Bank
At-a-glance - Kent at Canterbury
Dr Sarah Atchia - North London
ATHERTON, Mark - South Bank
E B Atkinson - Newcastle
ATKINSON, Andy - South Bank
Attard, Professor George - Southampton
Professor G A Attard - Cardiff
Martin Attfield - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Bridgwater AV - Aston
Professor R. Aveyard - Hull
Ayub - De Montfort
Ayub - De Montfort
Davies B - Aston
Babecki, Rsyzard - Glamorgan
BACK - Greenwich
back - Oxford
Dr C J Baddeley - St Andrews
Prof. J.S. Badyal - Durham
G. Baggott - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Dr M C Bagley - Cardiff
Professor P Bailey - UMIST
r.bailey - Strathclyde
Dr Ray T Bailey - Strathclyde
Bailey, Damian - Glamorgan
Dr Graham S Bailey - Essex
Bailey - Edinburgh
gavin.bain - Strathclyde
Mr Gavin Bain - Strathclyde
Dr C.D Bain - Oxford
Prof. Colin D. Bain - Durham
Dr G S Bainbridge - Teesside
Prof Mark S. Baird - Bangor
S. Baker - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Baker, Julien - Glamorgan
Prof Neil R Baker - Essex
Balasubramanian - Cambridge
barbara.balfour - Strathclyde
Mrs Barbara Balfour - Strathclyde
Professor Gabriel Balint-Kurti - Bristol
Dr Andy S Ball - Essex
Ball - Cambridge
Bampos - Cambridge
Dr Derek V Banthorpe - London - University College
BAO, Yuqing - South Bank
BAO, Ya - South Bank
WHITE Barbara - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
F. Baretto - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Dr. James Barker - Kingston
Barker - Cambridge
helen.barley - Strathclyde
Miss Helen Barley - Strathclyde
MG Barlow - UMIST
Barlow - Edinburgh
Dr J N Barlow - Birmingham
Dr John Barlow - Birmingham
Barnes, N., Mr - Nottingham
Paul Barnes - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
BARRASS, Steve - South Bank
Prof L D Barron - Glasgow
DYSON Barry - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Keith D Bartle - Leeds
Dr Paul Bartlett - Bristol
ann.bartlett - Strathclyde
Mrs Ann Bartlett - Strathclyde
Bartlett, Professor Phil - Southampton
Dr R T Barton - Loughborough
Ajit Basak - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Baskerville, Stuart - Glamorgan
james.bates - Strathclyde
Mr James Bates - Strathclyde
Dr. R. Bates - Exeter
BATEY, Alison - South Bank
Mr. R. Batten - Exeter
Professor P.D. Battle - Oxford
Chris Bax - North London
Dr Chris Bax - North London
Dr M J Baxter - Nottingham Trent University
Baxter - Edinburgh
BAYLDON, Norman - South Bank
Professor J.H.P. Bayley - Oxford
Bayliss - De Montfort
Alley-gates - to be or not to be? - Glamorgan
Dr C C Beardah - Nottingham Trent University
Michael J. Bearpark - London - King's College
Beasley, M, Mr - Nottingham
GORINSKY Beatrice - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Dr Michael A. Beckett - Bangor
Godfrey Beddard - Leeds
Dr. R. Bedford - Exeter
Dr. Simon Bedford - Bath
BEEBY, Alan - South Bank
Dr. A. Beeby - Durham
Professor P.D. Beer - Oxford
BEEVERS, Dr Martin - Aston
Marketing Strategy and Consumer Behaviour - Plymouth
Adaptive BehaviourCognition - Plymouth
Dr. S.E.J. Bell - Belfast (Queen's)
luke.bellamy - Strathclyde
Mr Luke Bellamy - Strathclyde
BELLINGHAM, Kevin - South Bank
Peter Belton - UEA
Dr. R.E. Benfield - Kent at Canterbury
Dr A C Benniston - Newcastle
Dr David Benoit - London - University College
BENT, Alan - South Bank
Prof J P Bentley - Teesside
l.berlouis - Strathclyde
Dr Len Berlouis - Strathclyde
O'HARA Bernard - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
DJ Berrisford - UMIST
Berry, Anthony - Glamorgan
Besley, N., Dr - Nottingham
BEST, Rob - South Bank
Don Bethell - Liverpool
Sean Bew - UEA
BEZANOV, Goran - South Bank
Dr. S.C.G.Biagini - Kent at Canterbury
Dr R. I. Bickley - Bradford
Ewan Bigsby: - Ulster
Dr. B.P. Binks - Hull
Bio-Energy - Aston
Bio-Materials - Aston
bio-organic - Bangor
Bioinformatics - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Organic and Biological - Bristol
Biological - York
Biopharm - Greenwich
Molecular Biophysics - Oxford
BIRD, Graham - South Bank
Birkin, Dr. Peter - Southampton
ProfRoger Bisby - Salford
Prof. R. H. Bisby - Salford
Tighe BJ - Aston - Abertay Dundee
Dr R.Blackburn - Greenwich
Prof G Michael Blackburn - Sheffield
Prof. Donna Blackmond - London - Imperial College
Professor D.G. Blackmond - Hull
d.blackwood - Abertay Dundee
Dr C M Bladon - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
Blake, A.J., Dr - Nottingham
Blakemore, Brian - Glamorgan
Dr William Bland - Kingston
Dr C Bleasdale - Newcastle
Dr C Bleasdale - Newcastle
Dr Annie Bligh - North London
Dr. A.N. Boa - Hull
SARRA Bob - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Manfred Bochmann - UEA
Neville Boden - Leeds Stefan Bon - Warwick
Richard Bonar-Law - Liverpool
damien.bonne - Strathclyde
Mr Damien Bonne - Strathclyde
BONNER, Terry - South Bank
Prof R Bonnett - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
WALLACE Bonnie - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Dr Kevin Booker-Milburn - Bristol
BL Booth - UMIST
Dr. Colin Booth - Manchester
Dr Derek Boothby - North London
Dr N P Botting - St Andrews
Mr J Bottrill - Nottingham Trent University
marchenri.bouhier - Strathclyde
Mr Marc-Henri Bouhier - Strathclyde
BOUNDY, John - South Bank
Martyn G. Boutelle - London - King's College
Mrs. P. Bowdler - Exeter
Dr R. D. Bowen - Bradford
Dr. J. Bowers - Exeter
Professor Mike Bowker - Reading
Professor M J Bowker - Cardiff
BOWKETT, Steve - South Bank
Professor W R Bowman - Loughborough
BOWTELL, Joanna - South Bank
Boyd, Robert - Manchester Metropolitan
Alan Boyd - Heriot-Watt
Prof. D.R. Boyd - Belfast (Queen's)
robert.f.boyle - Strathclyde
Mr Robert Boyle - Strathclyde
Dr. L.L. Boyle - Kent at Canterbury
Dr. R.W. Boyle - Hull
Chris Braddock - London - Imperial College
Professor J.S. Bradley - Hull
Ian Bradshaw - Liverpool John Moores
Dr. Ian Bradshaw - Liverpool John Moores
Dr A Braithwaite - Nottingham Trent University
Brake, Mark - Glamorgan
BRAMMER, Dr. John - Aston
Dr Lee Brammer - Sheffield
Prof Steven T Bramwell - London - University College
Dr Jim Brannigan - York
Holger Braunschweig - London - Imperial College
Dr. J. Breen - Belfast (Queen's)
d.bremner - Abertay Dundee
BRENNAN, Anne-Maria - South Bank
Dr Richard Brereton - Bristol
Ms. K. Brereton - Salford
BRESLIN, Mike - South Bank
Fernando Bresme - London - Imperial College
Sara Brickwood - Ulster
BRIDGE, Bryan - South Bank
Dr. A.J. Bridgeman - Hull
BRIDGWATER, Professor Tony - Aston
Dr L.Briggs - Greenwich
Dr G Brindley - Nottingham Trent University
AK Brisdon - UMIST
Professor Brian Brisdon - Bath
George Britovsek - London - Imperial College
monika.brodesser - Strathclyde
Miss Monika Brodesser - Strathclyde
Dr Igor Bronstein - York
M. Brosnan - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Dr M. Brouard - Oxford
Dr John Brown - Kingston
Dr R T Brown - Manchester
steven.l.brown - Strathclyde
Mr Steven L Brown - Strathclyde
matthew.brown - Strathclyde
Mr Matthew Brown - Strathclyde
Mr Jack Brown - Strathclyde
john.a.brown - Strathclyde
Brown, Professor Tom - Southampton
Brown, Dr. Richard - Southampton
BROWN, Diana - South Bank
Geoff Brown - Reading
Brown, N., Mr - Nottingham
Dr Wendy A Brown - London - University College
Prof. J.B. Brown - Kent at Canterbury
Brown, Robert - Glamorgan
Trevor Brown - Derby
Dr John E Brown - Bradford
Jen Brown - Aberdeen
c.s.brownlie - Strathclyde
Mrs Carol Brownlie - Strathclyde
Prof P G Bruce - St Andrews
Prof. D.W. Bruce - Exeter
a.bruce - Abertay Dundee
Mathias Brust - Liverpool
Dr N D Bryan - Manchester
Prof. M.R. Bryce - Durham
Dr Marek Brzozowski - York
bstewart/ - Paisley
btg/ - Newcastle
Professor Grant Buchanan - Bath
Dr M Buck - St Andrews
Buckberry - De Montfort
BUCKLEY, Martin - South Bank
Dr Eileen Buckley-Dhoot - Kingston
Dr. Peter M. Budd - Manchester
Prof. Timothy D H Bugg - Warwick
Cockcroft Building - Brighton
Mr George Buist - Paisley
Dr Ian Bull - Bristol
Dr. Steve Bull - Bath
Prof. R. Burch - Belfast (Queen's)
BURCHELL, Hugo - South Bank
Dr. M.J. Burchell - Kent at Canterbury
BURGESS, Graham - South Bank
BURGESS, Nigel - South Bank
Dr P.L. Burn - Oxford
Dr. Andrew Burrows - Bath
Dr. Neil A. Burton - Manchester
Burton - Cambridge
Richard J Bushby - Leeds
Business - NEWI (North East Wales)
Business - NEWI (North East Wales)
Business - NEWI (North East Wales)
Dr Ian R. Butler - Bangor
Julea N. Butt - UEA
Dr. C.P. Butts - Exeter
e.buultjens - Abertay Dundee
Dr P K Byers - Birmingham
Byfield, David - Glamorgan
BYFORD, Michael - South Bank
Filing Cabinet - Salford
CADBURY, Richard - South Bank
Prof Stephen Caddick - London - University College
k.cairnie - Abertay Dundee
Dr Donald Cairns - Sunderland
Prof John H Callomon - London - University College
stephanie.camerlynck - Strathclyde
Miss Stephanie Camerlynck - Strathclyde
James Cameron - Heriot-Watt
Dr. N.R. Cameron - Durham
a.cameron - Abertay Dundee
Andrew N. Cammidge - UEA
Camp, Dr. P. J. - Edinburgh
Campopiano - Edinburgh
Medway Campus - Greenwich
Gen Cannibal - Derby
Christine Cardin - Reading
Professor David Cardin - Reading
yvonne.carella - Strathclyde
Dr Yvonne Carella - Strathclyde
CAREY, Paul - South Bank
H.Carless - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Dr A F Carley - Cardiff
Dr Claire J Carmalt - London - University College
Andrew Carnell - Liverpool
Dr Lucy J Carpenter - York
Dr M A Carroll - Newcastle
j.carruthers - Strathclyde
Mr John Carruthers - Strathclyde
emma.l.carswell - Strathclyde
Ms Emma L Carswell - Strathclyde
Dr Clare Carter - Ulster
Dr Paul A. Carter - Sunderland
Joy Carter - Derby
Dr H.M. Cartwright - Oxford
Dr Daren Caruana - London - University College
Cascioli, Vincenzo - Glamorgan
John Cassella - Derby
CATALYSIS - Belfast (Queen's)
Periodic DFT in the simulation of catalysts - UMIST
Professor K J Cavell - Cardiff
Dr Leo Caves - York
CENTENO, Anthony - South Bank
Dr Jorge N Chacón - Paisley
Jorge N. Chacón - Paisley
Chadwick, Duncan - Manchester Metropolitan
Prof. A.V. Chadwick - Kent at Canterbury
Dr Greg Challis - Warwick
CHALLIS, John - South Bank
Prof. R.D. Chambers - Durham
Champness, N.R., Professor - Nottingham
CHAPLIN, Martin - South Bank
Chapman - Edinburgh
Dr Jonathan Charmant - Bristol
Dr Nick Chatterton - Sheffield
Dr Victor Chechik - York
ChemHome - Aberdeen
ChemSoc - Surrey
ChemSoc - Surrey
ChemSoc - Surrey
ChemTech - Strathclyde
CHEN, Shuwo - South Bank
Dr Beining Chen - Sheffield
CHENEY, Steve - South Bank
Prof Richard J Cherry - Essex
Family and child - Plymouth
MS Child - Oxford
Dr L E Child - Loughborough
Ann Chippindale - Reading
SpectroscopyTheory of Molecular Chirality - Paisley
Dr P A Christensen - Newcastle
Dr P A Christensen - Newcastle
Dr Gillian Christie - Kingston
Dr S D Christie - Loughborough
SLINGSBY Christine - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Professor Henry Chrystyn - Bradford
NAYLOR Claire - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
SANSOM Clare - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Dr T.D. Claridge - Oxford
Dr Andrew J. Clark - Warwick
Professor James Clark - York
Dr Brian P. Clark - Sunderland
CLARK, Tony - South Bank
Clark, J.S., Professor - Nottingham
Professor Brian J Clark - Bradford
Professor JHR Clarke - UMIST
Dr S.J. Clarke - Oxford
Clarke, P.A., Dr - Nottingham
Dr. N. Clarke - Durham
S. Clarke - Cambridge
J. Clarke - Cambridge
Dr Guy Clarkson - Warwick
Prof David Clary - London - University College
Nigel J. Clayden - UEA
Dr J P Clayden - Manchester
stephen.g.clayton - Strathclyde
Mr Stephen Clayton - Strathclyde
Clearing - Aberdeen
Professor W Clegg - Newcastle
Clemens, Mark - Manchester Metropolitan
Dr. M. Clench - Sheffield Hallam
Anthony A Clifford - Leeds
Dr. J.H. Clint - Hull
G. Coast - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Alison M. Coats - Aberdeen
Jeremy K. Cockcroft - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Dr Martin Cockett - York
Dr. Ben J. Coe - Manchester
Dr P L Coe - Birmingham
Dr M Coffey - Nottingham Trent University
Prof Ian Colbeck - Essex
Mr Alex W. Colburn - Warwick
Dr Iain Coldham - Sheffield
Cole, Mike - Manchester Metropolitan
Cole, Don - Manchester Metropolitan
Jacqui Cole - Cambridge
PROFESSOR MICHAEL COLE - Anglia Polytechnic University
Professor Michael D. Cole - Anglia Polytechnic University
Prof D J Cole-Hamilton - St Andrews
Dr. Karl Coleman - Durham
COLES, Martin - South Bank
p.collier - Abertay Dundee
Colligon, John - Manchester Metropolitan
Prof. D.N. Collins - Salford
P. Collins - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Collinson, S., Dr - Nottingham
Dr D Collison - Manchester
Colloquia - Oxford
Colloquia - Oxford
Professor Howard M. Colquhoun - Reading
a.colquhoun - Abertay Dundee
Colston - De Montfort
Colwell - Cambridge
Paul Comina - Reading
Dr P J Comina - Birmingham
Dr Paul John Comina - Birmingham
aurelien.commeureuc - Strathclyde
Mr Aurelien Commeureuc - Strathclyde
Signal Processing and Multimedia Communications - Plymouth
Communications - Plymouth
The Community - Plymouth
Community - NEWI (North East Wales)
Essay Competition - Aberdeen
Composites - Leeds - Polymer IRC
Mycobacterial cell envelope ultrastructure and composition. - Newcastle
Blood Substitutes from Perfluorinated Compounds - UMIST
Professor R.G. Compton - Oxford
Computational, Theoretical and Structural - London - Imperial College
computational - Bath
Computing - NEWI (North East Wales)
School of computing - Glamorgan
Comyn - De Montfort
BPS Developmental Conference - Leeds Metropolitan
Conferences - Salford
Professor Neil Connelly - Bristol
Professor J N L Connor - Manchester
Prof. J.A. Connor - Kent at Canterbury
Professor E C Constable - Birmingham
Professor Edwin C Constable - Birmingham
CONSTANTINE, Steve - South Bank
Environmental Building and Construction - Plymouth
Skip to the content - Salford
Skip to the content - Salford
Skip to the content - Salford
Skip to page content! - Liverpool John Moores
Water pollution control - Paisley
Dr M P Coogan - Cardiff
Michael J. Cook - UEA
COOK, David - South Bank
Prof Michael Cooke - London - Royal Holloway
Ms. A.L. Cooke - Salford
Graeme Cooke - Heriot-Watt
Dr Anthony Cooper - Kingston
Dr I L Cooper - Newcastle
Dr I L Cooper - Newcastle
Dr Alan Cooper - Ulster
David Cooper - Liverpool
Andy Cooper - Liverpool
Prof A Cooper - Glasgow
Dr. S.J. Cooper - Durham
Cope - De Montfort
SMITH Corinne - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Peter.Cormack - Strathclyde
Dr Peter Cormack - Strathclyde
Prof Alastair Cormack - London - University College
Mr Stephen Corr - Strathclyde
corrosion - Newcastle
Professor Terence Cosgrove - Bristol
COSTARELLI, Vasiliki - South Bank
Matt Costen - Heriot-Watt
Rick Costick - Liverpool
Dr I G C Coutts - Nottingham Trent University
Prof Peter V Coveney - London - University College
Iain Cowie - Heriot-Watt
m.cowie - Abertay Dundee
Dr Russell Cox - Bristol
R A (Tony) Cox - Cambridge
Dr L R Cox - Birmingham
Dr Liam Cox - Birmingham
Dr. Jonathan Cox - Bath
Dr D P Crabb - Nottingham Trent University
CRACKNELL, Sandra - South Bank
Dr Paul Cragg - North London
Craig - De Montfort
Prof David P Craig - London - University College
Prof. Donald Craig - London - Imperial College
Dr. M.R. Crampton - Durham
Dr. J.D. Crane - Hull
james.j.crawford - Strathclyde
Mr James J Crawford - Strathclyde
Dr J A Crayston - St Andrews
Professor C S Creaser - Nottingham Trent University
Dr. J.A. Creighton - Kent at Canterbury
sarah.cresswell - Strathclyde
Dr Sarah L Cresswell - Strathclyde
Crime, Deviance and Society - Plymouth
Julie Critoph - Anglia Polytechnic University
Dr Anna K. Croft - Bangor
Dr Anna Croft - Bangor
Mark Cronin - Liverpool John Moores
Dr L Cronin - Glasgow
Dr L Cronin - Glasgow
Dr Lee Cronin - Birmingham
Dr J N Crookes - Nottingham Trent University
Dr John Crosby - Bristol
william.crosgray - Strathclyde
Mr Billy Crosgray - Strathclyde
paul.cross - Strathclyde
Mr Paul Cross - Strathclyde
Dr R J Cross - Glasgow
Prof. David H. G. Crout - Warwick
Dr. D. Crowther - Sheffield Hallam
yvonne.e.cruickshank - Strathclyde
Mrs Yvonne Cruickshank - Strathclyde
Dr Frank R Cruickshank - Strathclyde
f.cruickshank - Strathclyde
Dr Matthew Crump - Bristol
X-ray crystallography - Newcastle
Protein Crystallography - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
School of Crystallography - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
X-ray Crystallography - Leicester
P.M. Cullis - Leicester
M. Cullum - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
douglas.b.cunningham - Strathclyde
dale.cunningham - Strathclyde
Mr Douglas Cunningham - Strathclyde
Mr Andrew Cunningham - Strathclyde
andrew.cunningham - Strathclyde
Mr Dale Cunningham - Strathclyde
Dr Ian Cunningham - Surrey
l.j.curran - Strathclyde
Ms Lynn Curran - Strathclyde
marion.currie - Strathclyde
Dr Marion Currie - Strathclyde
Dr A D M Curtis - Keele
Cussen, E,J Dr - Nottingham
Cymraeg - Glamorgan
A - D - Southampton
Dr Maria Cristina D'Arrigo - Strathclyde
D'Silva, Claudius - Manchester Metropolitan
maria.d-arrigo - Strathclyde
Pearce. D.A. - Aston
Dr Niamh Nic Daeid - Strathclyde
Daff, Dr. S. N. - Edinburgh
j.h.daly - Strathclyde
Dr John Daly - Strathclyde
laurent.dambies - Strathclyde
Dr Laurent Dambies - Strathclyde
Mr DaneToplis - Nottingham
FRAMPTON Daniel - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
CLARE Daniel - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Dr S E Dann - Loughborough
Danopoulos, Dr. Andreas - Southampton
M. Danton - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
George Darling - Liverpool
DATOO, Mahmood - South Bank
DAVEY, Polly - South Bank
MOSS David - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
LEE David - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
KNIGHT David - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
HOULDERSHAW David - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
HOOPER David - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
BRIGGS David - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
c.m.davidson - Strathclyde
Dr Christine M Davidson - Strathclyde
Davidson, G., Dr - Nottingham
Prof. R.S. Davidson - Kent at Canterbury
Dr J.L. Davidson - Heriot-Watt
Jack Davidson - Heriot-Watt
Professor Matthew Davidson - Bath
DAVIES, Dr Bruce - Aston
Professor Gideon Davies - York
DAVIES, Paul - South Bank
DAVIES, Jill - South Bank
Professor S.G. Davies - Oxford
Davies, E.S., Dr - Nottingham
Prof Alwyn G Davies - London - University College
Robert Davies - London - Imperial College
D. Davies - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
D.L. Davies - Leicester
Davies, Andrew - Glamorgan
Davies, Bruce - Glamorgan
Professor Bruce Davies - Glamorgan
Dr P R Davies - Cardiff
Davies - Cambridge
Professor Mike Davies - Anglia Polytechnic University
Professor Anthony Davis - Bristol
Dr Sean Davis - Bristol
Fred Davis - Reading
Dr B. G. Davis - Oxford
Dr J.J Davis - Oxford
Professor J V Dawkins - Loughborough
Prof N N Dawood - Teesside
Dr. J. Philip Day - Manchester
Dr Keith Day - Ulster
DAY, Tony - South Bank
DAY, Andy - South Bank
Prof Peter Day - London - University College
Graeme M Day - Cambridge
Open Day - Aberdeen
School Applicant Days - Glamorgan
Mr. P. Daysh - Exeter
Grant Deadlines - Exeter
Prof A (Tony) J Deeming - London - University College
joseph.deere - Strathclyde
Dr Joseph Deere - Strathclyde
Dr Robert J. Deeth - Warwick
Delea, E., Mr - Nottingham
Drug delivery - Cardiff - Welsh School of Pharmacy
dem/ - Newcastle
John deMello - London - Imperial College
Professor R.G. Denning - Oxford
Dr. T.J.S. Dennis - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
Dr T J S Dennis - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
Dr C Dennison - Newcastle
Dr C Dennison - Newcastle
Phil Denton - Liverpool John Moores
Phil Denton - Liverpool John Moores
Denuault, Dr. Guy - Southampton
Eric Derouane - Liverpool
Prof. Peter J. Derrick - Warwick
Dr A Dervisi - Cardiff
Description - London - University College
Architecture and Design - South Bank
Art and Design - Plymouth
Dr Caroline Dessent - York
The orbitrap mass analyser: recent developments - UMIST
Dr Robin Devonshire - Sheffield
Dr. R.S. Dickins - Durham
Dickinson, Julia - Manchester Metropolitan
Professional Group: Nutrition and Dietetics - Leeds Metropolitan
DifferenceEngine - Glamorgan
Powder Diffraction - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Dr. K.B. Dillon - Durham
Professor J.R. Dilworth - Oxford
Dien Vinh Hoang Dinh - Strathclyde
Dinsdale, Richard - Glamorgan
Director, Prof Gary Stevens - Surrey
Development and disability - Plymouth
DISS - Aberdeen
Dixon - Cambridge
Dr Paul Dobbin - Essex
Dr. A. P. Dobbs - Exeter
Dr S. A. Dobrowski - Bradford
Dobson - Cambridge
frances.docherty - Strathclyde
Dr Frances Docherty - Strathclyde
Signpost Document - Kent at Canterbury
mark.dodds - Strathclyde
Mr Mark Dodds - Strathclyde
c.dodds - Strathclyde
Mr Christopher Dodds - Strathclyde
Ian Dodkins - Ulster
Professor Guy Dodson - York
Professor Eleanor Dodson - York
Shelley Doe - Ulster
Dr Graham Doggett - York
Dr. S. Doherty - Belfast (Queen's)
Dr. A.P. Doherty - Belfast (Queen's)
Dolphin, Graham - Manchester Metropolitan
Dr C. Domene - Oxford
Dr T J Donohoe - Manchester
Professor T.J. Donohoe - Oxford
Donovan, Prof. R. J. - Edinburgh
Prof. J.C.Dore - Kent at Canterbury
Liz Doroszkiewicz - UMIST
Dr Richard Douglas - Ulster
DOUGLAS, John - South Bank
Mrs Patricia Douglas - Paisley
Dr R E Douthwaite - Birmingham
Dr Richard Douthwaite - Birmingham
Dove, J., Mrs - Nottingham
Y. Dove - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Dowden, J., Dr - Nottingham
DOWLEN, Chris - South Bank
e.downes - Abertay Dundee
AJ Downs - Oxford
Doye - Cambridge
DOYNE, Gloria - South Bank
DRAHUN, Dr George - Aston
Professor Mike Drew - Reading
Dr Thomas Drewello - Warwick
Huub Driessen - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Alan Dronsfield - Derby
graham.r.drummond - Strathclyde
Mr Graham R Drummond - Strathclyde
a.drummond - Strathclyde
Miss Allison Drummond - Strathclyde
Dryden - Edinburgh
Dr Simon Duckett - York
Duer - Cambridge
Judy Duffy - Liverpool John Moores
DUFFY, Tony - South Bank
Prof. John A. Duffy - Aberdeen
John A. Duffy - Aberdeen
mark.dufton - Strathclyde
Dr Mark J Dufton - Strathclyde
Dr Anne-Kathrin Duhme-Klair - York
Dr Jeroen van Duijneveldt - Bristol
DUKE, Mike - South Bank
Mr Stuart G Duncan - Strathclyde
j.duncan - Abertay Dundee
Liz Duncan - Aberdeen
stuart.g.duncan: - Strathclyde
DUNKELD, Malcolm - South Bank
i.r.dunkin - Strathclyde
Dr Ian R Dunkin - Strathclyde
john.dunseith - Strathclyde
Mr John R Dunseith - Strathclyde
dupontteijin/ - Paisley
SRIKANTHAN Durga - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Dr Andy Durrant - Paisley
James Durrant - London - Imperial College
DWYER, Tim - South Bank
Dr. Mark Dyas - Liverpool John Moores
Dr. P.W. Dyer - Durham
Dyke, Professor John - Southampton
Computational Fluid Dynamics - Aston
Spectroscopy and Dynamics - York
Molecular Dynamics - Leicester
Dr Paul Dyson - York
E-health - Plymouth
Mrs Daphne Eadington - Kingston
Dr. J. Eames - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
Dr J Eames - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
Geoff Eastmond - Liverpool
Dr Julian Eastoe - Bristol
R. Eaton - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Prof John Ebdon - Sheffield
Dr M Edgar - Loughborough
Alan Edgar - Heriot-Watt
Edge, Michele - Manchester Metropolitan
edit - Leicester
edit - Leicester
edit - Leicester
edit - Leicester
Dr. Karen Edler - Bath
Edmonds - De Montfort
Dr T E Edmonds - Loughborough
Mathematics Education - Plymouth
Values and Global Education - Plymouth
Professional and Higher Education - Plymouth
Education - NEWI (North East Wales)
Dr I A S Edwards - Newcastle
Dr Colin J. Edwards - Sunderland
Professor P G Edwards - Cardiff
Professor H. G. M. Edwards - Bradford
Professor R.G. Egdell - Oxford
Dr T A Egerton - Newcastle
Dr Zaki El-Hassan - Paisley
Professor J.H.D. Eland - Oxford
electron transfer, mechanisms of stand breaking - Newcastle
ORLOVA Elena - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
ellar, C., Mrs - Nottingham
heather.elliott - Strathclyde
Ms Heather Elliott - Strathclyde
Joanne Elliott - Reading
Mr. N. Elliott - Exeter
Mrs. A. Elliott - Exeter
Dr M C Elliott - Cardiff
Elliott - Cambridge
A.M. Ellis - Leicester
ELSDON, Paul - South Bank
Dr M R J Elsegood - Loughborough
Emergency, critical and intensive care - Plymouth
Emeritus Professors, Senior, and Visiting Fellows - UEA
Dr Trevor Emmett - Anglia Polytechnic University
emt/ - Newcastle
Coastal Engineering - Plymouth
Engineering - NEWI (North East Wales)
Mr. N. England - Exeter
General Enquiries - Leicester
alexis.enright - Strathclyde
Dr Alexis Enright - Strathclyde
Business Enterprise - Brighton
Architecture and the Built Environment - Plymouth
Built Environment - NEWI (North East Wales)
Quaternary Environments - Plymouth
Biostatistics and Epidemiology - Plymouth
Dr William Errington - Warwick
Dr R J Errington - Newcastle
Dr R J Errington - Newcastle
Essex, Dr. Jon - Southampton
Andre Etheridge - South Bank
ETHERIDGE, André - South Bank
Dr Karen J Etherington - Warwick
Policy and Governance in Europe - Plymouth
evaluation - Liverpool John Moores
Evans - De Montfort
Evans, Professor John - Southampton
C.J. Evans - Leicester
Dr. W.A.B. Evans - Kent at Canterbury
Evans, Wynne - Glamorgan
Dr. J.S.O. Evans - Durham
Dr. Ivana Radosavljevic Evans - Durham
Events - UMIST
Events - UMIST
Events - UMIST
Events - UMIST
Professor Richard Evershed - Bristol
EWBANK, Alan - South Bank
Prof Michael B Ewing - London - University College
Dr. D.F. Ewing - Hull
Dr Ciaran T Ewins - Paisley
Ciaran Ewins - Paisley
Physics and Astronomy Assessment and Exams. - Sussex (School of Chemistry, Physics and Environmental Science)
Excellence - Nottingham Trent University
Erasmus European Exchanges - Bristol
Social Exclusion - Plymouth
Social exclusion - Plymouth
find an expert - NEWI (North East Wales)
Areas of expertise - Paisley
areas of expertise - London - University College
EZUGWU, Emmanuel - South Bank
A to F - Paisley
K.A. McLauchlan, F.R.S. - Oxford
MLH Green F.R.S. - Oxford
H.A.O. Hill F.R.S. - Oxford
Dr R.K. Thomas, F.R.S. - Oxford
Professor J. P. Simons, F.R.S. - Oxford
Professor P.A. Madden F.R.S. - Oxford
Professor J.M. Brown F.R.S. - Oxford
Prof D.C. Clary F.R.S. - Oxford
Sir Jack E. Baldwin, F.R.S. - Oxford
Dr J.M. Brown, F.R.S. - Oxford
r.fabian - Strathclyde
Mr Robert Fabian - Strathclyde
LUPO Fabio - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
National X-Ray Crystallography Facility - Newcastle
Faculties - Plymouth
FAHY, Brendan - South Bank
Dr A.J. Fairbanks - Oxford
Dr Patrick Fairclough - Sheffield
Dr Ian Fairlamb - York
Dr I A Fallis - Cardiff
Mrs Kath Farmer - Nottingham
Farmer - Edinburgh
Farren, T., Dr - Nottingham
Dr L J Farrugia - Glasgow
FARSHCHI, Mahtab - South Bank
karen.faulds - Strathclyde
Dr Karen Faulds - Strathclyde
Dr. Stephen Faulkner - Manchester
Prof. W.J. Feast - Durham
Feedback - Sheffield
Site Feedback - Salford
feedback - Robert Gordon
Web Site Feedback - Plymouth
Website Feedback - London Metropolitan
fees - Essex
Prof. Jörg Feldmann - Aberdeen
Jörg Feldmann - Aberdeen
Professor Anthony F Fell - Bradford
Visiting Fellows - Bristol
Emeritus Prof David Fenton - Sheffield
Roderick Ferguson - Heriot-Watt
Prof Nelson Fernandez - Essex
Fersht - Cambridge
Dr K Fettes - Newcastle
Robert A. Field - UEA
Mr. P.D. Field - Exeter
Helen H. Fielding - London - King's College
Prof Helen Fielding - London - University College
fieldwork - Essex
Corporate Finance - Plymouth
Finance/Purchasing - Nottingham
Dr Paul Finch - London - Royal Holloway
Mrs Anne Finnie - Paisley
Julie Fisher - Leeds
Colin W G Fishwick - Leeds
Dr Susan Fitzpatrick - Ulster
FITZSIMMONDS, Eddie - South Bank
Professor G. W. J. Fleet - Oxford
Fleming - Cambridge
FLETCHER, Dr John - Aston
Dr Isobel Fletcher - Paisley
Professor S Fletcher - Loughborough
Professor P.D.I. Fletcher - Hull
Dr. N.C. Fletcher - Belfast (Queen's)
Dr Matthew D. Fletcher - Bangor
Flitsch - Edinburgh
Mr. B. Flockhart - Exeter
KR Flower - UMIST
Dr T H Flowers - Glasgow
Complex Fluids - Leeds - Polymer IRC
FONG, Daniel - South Bank
Food, Nutrition and Health - Plymouth
Professor J.S. Foord - Oxford
Professor Peter Foot - Kingston
Dr Ethel Forbes - Paisley
James Ford - Liverpool John Moores
Ford, V., Mrs - Nottingham
Forensic - Strathclyde
forensic - Bradford
FORKES, Andrew - South Bank
Feedback Form - Strathclyde
Internet Reply Form - Leeds Metropolitan
view the minutes in PDF format - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
view the minutes in PDF format - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
view the minutes in PDF format - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Honorary Professor Robert Forrest - Sheffield
Alexander R. Forrester - Aberdeen
Dr Kevin Forster - Paisley
Dr J C T Fowell - Nottingham Trent University
Prof. P.W. Fowler - Exeter
Dr R C Fox - Newcastle
Dr. Ray Fox - Liverpool John Moores
Howard Fox - Derby
FRADKIN, Larissa - South Bank
Dr. M.G.Francesconi - Hull
Dr. A.S. Franklin - Exeter
FREDERICK-OWOAJE, Olusheni - South Bank
Dr A A Freer - Glasgow
Dr Eva Hevia Freire - Strathclyde
Ray Freshwater - Cambridge
Frey, Dr. Jeremy - Southampton
Professor H. Monty Frey - Reading
FridaySeminar - Brighton
kai.fritsche - Strathclyde
Mr Kai Fritsche - Strathclyde
Dr M G Frost - Nottingham Trent University
Mike Frost - Heriot-Watt
Dr. Chris Frost - Bath
Professor James Maxwell FRS - Bristol
Professor Ron Ottewill FRS - Bristol
Professor Jake MacMillan, FRS - Bristol
Professor Richard Dixon FRS - Bristol
Professor Tom Simpson, FRS - Bristol
Professor Stephen Mann FRS - Bristol
Prof. Charles J.M. Stirling, FRS - Sheffield
Prof Peter Maitlis FRS - Sheffield
J J Turner MA PhD ScD (Cambridge) CChem FRSC FRS - Nottingham
Prof William B Motherwell FRS - London - University College
Prof Robin J H Clark CNZM FRS - London - University College
Prof C Richard A Catlow FRS - London - University College
Prof. Tony Barrett, FRS - London - Imperial College
Prof. K. Wade, FRS - Durham
Jim Staunton FRS - Cambridge
Ian W M Smith FRS - Cambridge
Steven V Ley FRS - Cambridge
Ray Freeman FRS - Cambridge
A David Buckingham FRS - Cambridge
Professor Ian Smith, FRS - Birmingham
Professor Peter Edwards, FRS - Birmingham
FUAD, Pasha - South Bank
Brammer J.G - Aston
Dr. C.D. Gabbutt - Hull
WAKSMAN Gabriel - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Piers Gaffney - London - Imperial College
Gal, Julianna - Glamorgan
Gale, Dr. Philip - Southampton
Professor Tim Gallagher - Bristol
Dr Stephen Gallagher - Paisley
Mrs Catherine Gallagher - Paisley
Dr I Gameson - Birmingham
Dr Ian Gameson - Birmingham
Prof C Robin Ganellin - London - University College
ashok.ganesan - Strathclyde
Dr Ashok Ganesan - Strathclyde
Ganesan, Dr. A. - Southampton
Professor David Gani - Birmingham
Professor David Gani - Birmingham
Peter Gans - Leeds
JM Gardiner - UMIST
P Gardner - UMIST
Dr Peter Gardner - London - Royal Holloway
Garner, C.D., Professor - Nottingham
Prof Peter J Garratt - London - University College
C. Garside - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
k.gartland - Abertay Dundee
Intermolecular potentials and thermodynamics of moist gases - UMIST
Professor SJ Gaskell - UMIST
Dr Paul Gates - Bristol
Dr Peter Gates - London - Royal Holloway
Matthew J Gaunt - Cambridge
GAWNE, David - South Bank
Prof Richard Geider - Essex
Gels - Leeds - Polymer IRC
General - Aberdeen
GENERALIS, Dr Sotos - Aston
Applied health genetics - Plymouth
Geomatics - Plymouth
George, M.W., Professor - Nottingham
MORAITAKIS George - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
George, William - Glamorgan
Dr A M Gerrard - Teesside
S. Ghazi-Harsiny - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Dr Joginder Ghotra - Kingston
Dr Anastassios Giannakopulos - Warwick
Terrence C Gibb - Leeds
CHENIA Gibran - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Susan E. Gibson - London - King's College
G G Gibson - Newcastle
lorraine.gibson - Strathclyde
Dr Lorraine Gibson - Strathclyde
c.l.gibson - Strathclyde
Dr Colin L Gibson - Strathclyde
Prof Sue Gibson - London - Imperial College
Prof. Vernon Gibson - London - Imperial College
Iain R Gibson - Aberdeen
uplogowm.gif - Paisley
deptname.gif - Paisley
Professor Bruce Gilbert - York
Professor Andrew Gilbert - Reading
Gilbert, Mark - Manchester Metropolitan
Tom Gilchrist - Liverpool
ross.gillanders - Strathclyde
Mr Ross N Gillanders - Strathclyde
GILLARD, Paul - South Bank
Dr Duncan Gillies - Surrey
Prof C J Gilmore - Glasgow
lesley.a.gilmour - Strathclyde
Ms Lesley Gilmour - Strathclyde
Z. Giuan - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Dr Val Gladwell - Essex
GLANVILLE, Rosemary - South Bank
Glasse - De Montfort
Prof. Fred P. Glasser - Aberdeen
Fredrik P. Glasser - Aberdeen
Glasser - Aberdeen
Glen - Cambridge
Margaret Glendenning - Cambridge
Dr C Glidewell - St Andrews
GLOSTER, David - South Bank
SM Godfrey - UMIST
Mr Paul Godwin - Bristol
Dr. A.E. Goeta - Durham
Professor B T Golding - Newcastle
Professor B T Golding - Newcastle
Professor B T Golding - Newcastle
Ms Melanie Goldsmith - North London
G. Goldsworthy - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Professor David Goodall - York
Professor J.W. Goodby - Hull
Mrs Angela Gooding - Nottingham
Goodman - Cambridge
A. Gorchein - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Mrs Megan Gore - Paisley
Stephen Gorham - Paisley
Dr P A Gorry - Manchester
Dr J. J. Gosper - Brunel
GOSS, Victor - South Bank
Dr. R. Goss - Exeter
Gough, Peter - Manchester Metropolitan
Ian Gould - London - Imperial College
Gould - Edinburgh
Dr V. Gouverneur - Oxford
susan.graham - Strathclyde
Miss Susan Graham - Strathclyde
n.graham - Strathclyde
duncan.graham - Strathclyde
Prof Neil B Graham - Strathclyde
Prof Duncan Graham - Strathclyde
Miss Stacy Graham - Nottingham
Graham, R.G., Dr - Nottingham
Graham, Dr. M. C. - Edinburgh
Richard S. Grainger - London - King's College
Grant - Cambridge
Recent grants - Newcastle
Grants - Strathclyde
Grants - Strathclyde
Dr Jane Grasby - Sheffield
Dr F M Gray - St Andrews
Dr. E.J. Grayson - Durham
Greaney - Edinburgh
Robert Greatrex - Leeds
Professor C Greaves - Birmingham
Professor Colin Greaves - Birmingham
Nicholas J.B. Green - London - King's College
Dr Donovan Green - North London
Professor Michael Green - Bristol
Rebecca Green - Reading
Professor J.C. Green - Oxford
Dr Mark Green - London - University College
Dr. S.J. Green - Exeter
Dr. T. Greene - Exeter
Norman N Greenwood - Leeds
Nick Greeves - Liverpool
Gregory, D., Dr - Nottingham
Dr Brian Grievson - York
Dr R J Griffin - Newcastle
Prof R J Griffin - Newcastle
Dr Murray Griffin - Essex
Prof. Bill Griffith - London - Imperial College
Trevor R Griffiths - Leeds
John F Griffiths - Leeds
Dr David Griffiths - Ulster
Prof. D.V. Griffiths - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
Prof D V Griffiths - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
Griffiths, Martin - Glamorgan
Dr P C Griffiths - Cardiff
Ron Grigg - Leeds
Dr Gideon Grogan - York
GROOTVELD, Martin - South Bank
Grossel, Dr. Martin - Southampton
Dr Paul W. Groundwater - Sunderland
CATAPAC group - Liverpool John Moores
The Group - Sheffield - Computational Chemistry, Department of Information Studies
Small Business and Enterprise Strategy Group - Plymouth
The UCL Surfaces Group - London - University College
Molecular Dynamics Group - London - University College
MEMBRANE GROUP - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
MACROMOLECULAR ASSEMBLIES GROUP - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
PROTEIN TOXINS AND PATHOGENIC BACTERIA GROUP - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS GROUP - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
CELLULAR PROCESSES GROUP - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
CRYSTALLIN GROUP - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
BIOCOMPUTING GROUP - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Functional Materials Group - Kent at Canterbury
Forensic Imaging Group - Kent at Canterbury
Applied Optics Group - Kent at Canterbury
Cement Group - Aberdeen
Professional Groups - Leeds Metropolitan
Unit Groups - Glamorgan
Groups - Brighton
Dr P.J. Grout - Oxford
Groves - De Montfort
School Guidelines - Kent at Canterbury
Subject Guides - Glamorgan
GUNN, Michael - South Bank
Guwy, Alan - Glamorgan
Mr Mark Guyler - Nottingham
E - H - Southampton
polymertherapeutics.h+ - Paisley
Prof. David M. Haddleton - Warwick
Prof. David M. Haddleton - Warwick
Dr G Haehner - St Andrews
Dr. J. Haigh - Sheffield Hallam
Dr Helen C Hailes - London - University College
Malcolm A Halcrow - Leeds
Prof Karl J Hale - London - University College
Peter A Halford-Maw - Leeds
Dr J C Halfpenny - Nottingham Trent University
GARAVINI Halina - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Hall, Peter - Glamorgan
Sarah Hall - Anglia Polytechnic University
p.j.halling - Strathclyde
Prof Peter Halling - Strathclyde
Dr Tom Halstead - York
Dr Paul Hambleton - Sunderland
Dr Ian Hamerton - Surrey
Hamilton, Sheilah - Glamorgan
Dr. C.J. Hamilton - Belfast (Queen's)
n.hamilton - Abertay Dundee
Ian W Hamley - Leeds
Professor G. Hancock - Oxford
clare.hancy - Strathclyde
Ms Clare Hancy - Strathclyde
S. Handa - Leicester
Handy - Cambridge
Dr Michael J. Hannon - Warwick
Hansen - Cambridge
Dr Peter Hanson - York
Dr Ihtshamul Haq - Sheffield
Prof. C. Hardacre - Belfast (Queen's)
Dr I R Hardcastle - Newcastle
Dr I R Hardcastle - Newcastle
Michaele Hardie - Leeds
l.harding - Strathclyde
Miss Lynne Harding - Strathclyde
HARDY, David - South Bank
M.J.P. Harger - Leicester
Dr J S Hargreaves - Glasgow
Professor A Harriman - Newcastle
Prof A Harriman - Newcastle
Harrington - De Montfort
Harris, Anthony - Glamorgan
Prof. R.K. Harris - Durham
Professor K D M Harris - Cardiff
Professor K D M Harris - Cardiff
Professor Kenneth Harris - Birmingham
Dr K.N. Harrison - Oxford
Harrison, P.G., Dr - Nottingham
Prof. Nick Harrison - London - Imperial College
Dr Andrew Harrison - Essex
Harrison - Edinburgh
Dr. Bill Harrison - Aberdeen
William T.A. Harrison - Aberdeen
Dr Joseph Harrity - Sheffield
Chris Harrod: - Ulster
Harrowven, Dr. Dave - Southampton
Dr Lionel Hart - Bristol
Hart, R., Mrs - Nottingham
Dr R C Hartley - Glasgow
Dr Jeremy Harvey - Bristol
Professor Laurence Harwood - Reading
F. Hashmi - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Hasnain - De Montfort
HASSAN, Salih - South Bank
D. Havill - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Prof. G.E. Hawkes - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
Prof G E Hawkes - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
Hawkes, Freda - Glamorgan
paul.hay - Strathclyde
Mr Paul Hay - Strathclyde
Prof John Hay - Surrey
Dr P W Haycock - Keele
Hayden, Professor Brian - Southampton
Wayne Hayes - Reading
Hayes, C.J., Dr - Nottingham
Dr Anthony Haynes - Sheffield
d.hayward - Strathclyde
Dr David Hayward - Strathclyde
Dr M.A. Hayward - Oxford
HAYWOOD, Peter - South Bank
Mr. D. K. Hazell - Salford
Headache/Migraine - Glamorgan
Heal, Dr. M R. - Edinburgh
Health - Plymouth
Mental health - Plymouth
Arts and health - Plymouth
Healy, M., Dr - Nottingham
Professor H Heaney - Loughborough
Dwayne E Heard - Leeds
P. Heard - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Dr J Hearn - Nottingham Trent University
Dr Sarah Heath - York
Dr Dave J Heath - Essex
Dr F Heatley - Manchester
wesley.heaton - Strathclyde
Mr Wesley Heaton - Strathclyde
Alan Heaton - Liverpool John Moores
Brian Heaton - Liverpool
Dr L Hecht - Glasgow
Hector, Dr. Andrew - Southampton
Dr Ellen Heeley - Sheffield
Dr. F.R.Heirtzler - Kent at Canterbury
Held - Cambridge
WHITE Helen - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
SAIBIL Helen - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
HELLIWELL, Dr Madeleine - Manchester
Prof. John R. Helliwell - Manchester
HELP - Greenwich
Help - Plymouth
Help - Plymouth
Help - Plymouth
Andrew M. Hemmings - UEA
Mr M. Hemmings - Salford
Professor R A Henderson - Newcastle
Prof R A Henderson - Newcastle
HENDERSON, Paul - South Bank
B Hennius - Glamorgan
james.hepburn - Strathclyde
Mr James Hepburn - Strathclyde
Richard B Herbert - Leeds
Ian Herbert - Ulster
here - UMIST
here - UMIST
here - UMIST
click here - Open
click here - Open
Click here - Liverpool John Moores
click here - Open
How To Get Here - Greenwich
Getting Here - South Bank
here - UMIST
Getting Here - South Bank
here - UMIST
Mr Aaron Hernandez - Strathclyde
a.hernandez-santana - Strathclyde
Professor Ron Hester - York
eva.hevia - Strathclyde
Dr M J E Hewlins - Cardiff
Hey, M.J., Dr - Nottingham
Prof David Heyes - Surrey
Dr S.J. Heyes - Oxford
HEYNDYK, Jim - South Bank
HEYWOOD, Paul - South Bank
Professor B R Heywood - Keele
Frank Hibbert - London - King's College
Simon Hibble - Reading
HIBBS, Michael - South Bank
NIWA Hideaki - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Simon Higgins - Liverpool
highlights/ - Newcastle
King Kuok (Mimi) Hii - London - King's College
Mimi Hii - London - Imperial College
HILBORNE, Vicky - South Bank
Alison M. Hill - London - King's College
Dr M N S Hill - Newcastle
george.j.hill - Strathclyde
Mr George J Hill - Strathclyde
Mike Hill - London - Imperial College
Dr R A Hill - Glasgow
Professor I H Hillier - Manchester
James Hillis - Ulster
HILLMAN, Jo - South Bank
A.R. Hillman - Leicester
A Hinchliffe - UMIST
Dr Michael Hippler - Sheffield
Dr. M. Hird - Hull
Dr David M. Hirst - Warwick
Hirst, J.D., Professor - Nottingham
Mr. M.F. Hisbent - Leicester
Recent grant history - De Montfort
History - Plymouth
Art History - Plymouth
History - Plymouth
m.l.hitchman - Strathclyde
Prof ML Hitchman - Strathclyde
BSc, MChem, HND and HNC - Huddersfield
Dr Jamie Hobbs - Sheffield
Rick Hobson - Reading
Professor P Hodge - Manchester
Hodge, Nigel - Glamorgan
stephanie.hodgen - Strathclyde
Ms Stephanie Hodgen - Strathclyde
Dr. P. Hodgkinson - Durham
M J Hodgson - Newcastle
neil.hodgson - Strathclyde
Mr Neil Hodgson - Strathclyde
Dr Annie Hodgson - York
Dr D.M. Hodgson - Oxford
Andrew Hodgson - Liverpool
Dr. D.R.W. Hodgson - Durham
Hodson - Cardiff - Welsh School of Pharmacy
Dr Graeme Hogarth - London - University College
Hogg, Stuart - Glamorgan
Dr Stuart Hogg - Glamorgan
HOLDER, Godfrey - South Bank
Dr. S.J.Holder - Kent at Canterbury
Mrs Lynda Hollas - Paisley
Dr Peter J. Holliman - Bangor
Peter Hollins - Reading
Stephen Holloway - Liverpool
J.H. Holloway - Leicester
Professor John Holman - York
Mr. R. Holman - Exeter
Mike Holmes - Leeds
HOLMES, Sharon - South Bank
Holmes - Cambridge
CPS Home - Kingston
BAS Home - North London
Leeds Met Home - Leeds Metropolitan
Natural Resources Home - Ulster
School Home - Salford
Birkbeck Home - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
School Home - Salford
School Home - Salford
School Home - Salford
seas home - Derby
APU Home - Anglia Polytechnic University
Chris' homepage - Liverpool John Moores
Barry's homepage - Liverpool John Moores
Fyaz's homepage - Liverpool John Moores
Gillian's homepage - Liverpool John Moores
Jim's homepage - Liverpool John Moores
Judy's homepage - Liverpool John Moores
Mark's homepage - Liverpool John Moores
Mrs Marie Honeyman - Strathclyde
gordon.honeyman - Strathclyde
Mr Gordon W Honeyman - Strathclyde
HOPE, Tony - South Bank
Professor E.G. Hope - Leicester
Alex Hopkins - Cambridge
Hopkinson, Arthur - Manchester Metropolitan
clare.hopper - Strathclyde
Miss Clare Hopper - Strathclyde
Professor P.J. Hore - Oxford
Dr Andrew Horn - York
Horne, Steve - Manchester Metropolitan
Dr B R Horrocks - Newcastle
Dr B R Horrocks - Newcastle
a.horrocks - Abertay Dundee
Dr A Houlton - Newcastle
Dr A Houlton - Newcastle
Sarah Houlton - Cambridge
E. Hounsell - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
office hours - Essex
Alan House - Derby
Professor C E Housecroft - Birmingham
Professor Catherine Housecroft - Birmingham
Howard, Dr. Alan - Southampton
Professor B.J. Howard - Oxford
Prof. J.A.K. Howard - Durham
Dr Oliver W. Howarth - Warwick
Nicola Howarth - Heriot-Watt
Howdle, S., Professor - Nottingham
HOWE, John - South Bank
Prof. Russell F. Howe - Aberdeen
Howe - Aberdeen
Russell Howe - Aberdeen
Professor J A S Howell - Keele
Dr R. Alan Howie - Aberdeen
R. Alan Howie - Aberdeen
Dr Brendan Howlin - Surrey
HOWSON, Alan - South Bank
Michael Hoyland - Leeds
Dr J A Hriljac - Birmingham
Dr Joe Hriljac - Birmingham
Prof. P. Hu - Belfast (Queen's)
Professor Rod Hubbard - York
Hubberstey, P., Dr - Nottingham
Huck - Cambridge
Huddersman - De Montfort
Professor Harry Hudson - North London
n.e.hudson - Strathclyde
Dr Nick Hudson - Strathclyde
Michael Hudson - Reading
Neil Hudson‘s - Derby
judith.huggan - Strathclyde
Ms Judith Huggan - Strathclyde
Martin N. Hughes - London - King's College
Dr Roy Hughes - Bristol
Hughes, Alan - Manchester Metropolitan
Dr. A.K. Hughes - Durham
Dr Keith H. Hughes - Bangor
David Hughes - Anglia Polytechnic University - Abertay Dundee
Hulme - Edinburgh
Humanities - NEWI (North East Wales)
Dr Barry Hunt - Sheffield
Patricia Hunt - London - Imperial College
HUNTER, Steve - South Bank
HURREN, Christopher - South Bank
Hursthouse, Professor Michael - Southampton
Professor Andrew S Hursthouse - Paisley
HURT, Michael - South Bank
M. Husain - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Husain - Cambridge
Gillian Hutcheon - Liverpool John Moores
Dr. Gillian Hutcheon - Liverpool John Moores
Dr. L.R. Hutchings - Durham
Professor G J Hutchings - Cardiff
Dr. S.M. Hutchinson - Salford
Prof. J.M. Hutson - Durham
DRIESSEN Huub - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
HydraulicsEnvironment - Plymouth
Hydrology - Ulster
Jon Iggo - Liverpool
IHRP - London Metropolitan
Info for Final Year Projects (Part II) - Oxford
images/ - London - University College
IMHOF, Robert (Bob) - South Bank
IMPACTGroup - Surrey
Prof. Corrie T. Imrie - Aberdeen
Corrie T. Imrie - Aberdeen
Mr. D. Incledon - Exeter
Internal Info - UEA
info - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
andrew.m.ingram - Strathclyde
Mr Andrew Ingram - Strathclyde
Prof. Malcolm D. Ingram - Aberdeen
Malcolm D. Ingram - Aberdeen
M. Ingrouille - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Newspaper Industry Environmental Technology Initiative - Paisley
Newspaper Industry Environmental Technology Initiative - Paisley
Methodological Innovation - Plymouth
Instructions - Aberdeen
Biomolecular Interactions - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Surfaces and Interfaces - Nottingham
International - Glamorgan
POURNARA Iosifina - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Dr Ahmed Iraqi - Sheffield
irh/ - Newcastle
Prof J T S Irvine - St Andrews
Prof Stuart J. C. Irvine - Bangor
Dr Sam Irwin - Ulster
Prof N W Isaacs - Glasgow
Dr M Saiful Islam - Surrey
Professional and organisational issues - Plymouth
News Items - Cardiff - Welsh School of Pharmacy
Dr K J Izod - Newcastle
Dr K J Izod - Newcastle
patel.jignesh.j - Strathclyde
Drahun JA - Aston
Dr E Jackson - Nottingham Trent University
Prof Richard Jackson - Sheffield
Prof. D.A. Jackson - Kent at Canterbury
Dr R A Jackson - Keele
Prof S D Jackson - Glasgow
Jackson - Cambridge
Dr. C. Jacob - Exeter
Simon Jacques - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
JAMES, Darren - South Bank
SMITH James - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
MacDONALD James - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Dr. S.L. James - Belfast (Queen's)
Dr. Tony James - Bath
Mr JamesGamble - Nottingham
Mr Satyasankar Jana - Strathclyde
Dr Rob Janaway - Bradford
Dr M C Jarvis - Glasgow
Prof. Marcel Jaspars - Aberdeen
Marcel Jaspars - Aberdeen
Jaspars - Aberdeen
CHUGH Jasveen - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Upali A. Jayasooriya - UEA
Miller JD - Aston
c.jefferies - Abertay Dundee
Jefferson - Cambridge
Dr John Jeffery - Bristol
j.a.d.jeffreys - Strathclyde
Dr J Alexander D Jeffreys - Strathclyde
Dr H. Donald B. Jenkins - Warwick
JENKINS, Barry - South Bank
P.R. Jenkins - Leicester
Jenkins - Cambridge
Dr. Toby Jenkins - Bath
p.jenkins - Abertay Dundee
Dr Simon Jennings - North London
COCKCROFT Jeremy - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Mr J M Jervis - Teesside
PITTS Jim - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
KELLY Jim - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
jinfang-wang - Strathclyde
Jobs - Glamorgan
marie.john - Strathclyde
DICKINS John - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
BOND John - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
BENSTED John - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Phil John - Heriot-Watt
Mr JohnHeard - Nottingham
A Peter Johnson - Leeds
Anthony F Johnson - Leeds
JOHNSON, Richard - South Bank
Johnson, Dave - Manchester Metropolitan
Dr Michael D Johnson - London - University College
Kathleen Johnson - Liverpool
Johnson, Timothy - Glamorgan
Andy Johnson - Derby
Sue Johnson - Cambridge
Johnson - Cambridge
Dr. Andrew Johnson - Bath
Dr R L Johnston - Birmingham
Dr Roy Johnston - Birmingham
Prof. Johnstone - Liverpool
m.jolly - Strathclyde
Mrs Margaret Jolly - Strathclyde
LEES Jonathan - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
K Jones - UMIST
Professor Keith Jones - Kingston
Dr S Jones - Newcastle
Dr S Jones - Newcastle
JONES, Steve - South Bank
JONES, Paul - South Bank
JONES, Tim - South Bank
JONES, Robin - South Bank
Dr Simon Jones - Sheffield
Dr J.H. Jones - Oxford
Jones, R.G., Professor - Nottingham
Professor R C F Jones - Loughborough
Prof. Tim Jones - London - Imperial College
Tony Jones - Liverpool
Prof.. R.G. Jones - Kent at Canterbury
Professor G Jones - Keele
Dr R H Jones - Keele
Dr G R Jones - Keele
Jones, Paul - Glamorgan
Jones, Simon - Glamorgan
Mr. M. Jones - Exeter
Dr Gareth Jones - Essex
Jones - Edinburgh
Professor C Jones - Cardiff
Howard R N Jones - Cambridge
W. Jones - Cambridge
R. L. Jones - Cambridge
Dr C J Jones - Birmingham
Dr Christopher Jones - Birmingham
Dr Phil Jordan - Ulster
Professor J A Joule - Manchester
Fletcher JP - Aston
bstewart.jpg - Paisley
MURRAY-RUST Judith - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
GOODFELLOW Julia - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Dr B Jumarhon - Nottingham Trent University
Dr Richard Jurd - Essex
Social WelfareCommunity Justice - NEWI (North East Wales)
w w w . a s t o n . a c . u k - Aston
K-Pa - Glasgow
Kadhim - De Montfort
Dr M Kadodwala - Glasgow
Dr Ralf Kaiser - York
Dr Maher Kalaji - Bangor
Dr Nikolas Kaltsoyannis - London - University College
Dr Kwok Kan - North London
KANE, Mike - South Bank
Dr Peter B Karadakov - York
Dr Kariuki - Birmingham
Dr N. Karodia - Bradford
KASSIM, Hamida - South Bank
Dr. R. Kataky - Durham
READER Katie - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
N. Kaufman - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
KAYE, Robert (Bob) - South Bank
p.e.keating - Strathclyde
Ms Pat Keating - Strathclyde
Terence P Kee - Leeds
Keeler - Cambridge
Dr Brendan Keely - York
Nicholas Keep - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Kell, Terry - Glamorgan
Dr P F Kelly - Loughborough
Dr. S.M. Kelly - Hull
Dr D R Kelly - Cardiff
Prof. Terence J. Kemp - Warwick
a.r.kennedy - Strathclyde
Dr Alan R Kennedy - Strathclyde
Mr Alan Kennedy - Strathclyde
John D Kennedy - Leeds
Dr R A Kennedy - Birmingham
Dr. A. M. Kenwright - Durham
Dr. A.M. Kenwright - Durham
w.kerr - Strathclyde
Prof William J Kerr - Strathclyde
Mr John Paul Kerr - Strathclyde
johnpaul.kerr - Strathclyde
Dr Francesca M Kerton - York
Mrs Liz Keys - Strathclyde
abedawn.khalaf - Strathclyde
Dr Abedawn Khalaf - Strathclyde
KHALED, Jafar - South Bank
m.khalid - Abertay Dundee
tanweer.khan - Strathclyde
Mr Tanweer Khan - Strathclyde
N. Khan - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Tetyana Khimyak - Cambridge
Dr. E. Khosravi - Durham
Dr. D.Khushalani - Kent at Canterbury
Chris Kiely - Liverpool
Kilburn, Professor Jeremy - Southampton
Dr John P. Kilcoyne - Sunderland
KING, John - South Bank
KING, Scott - South Bank
A. King - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
P. King - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Dr. P.J. King - Hull
King, Susan - Glamorgan
King - Cambridge
alma.kinnaird - Strathclyde
Ms Alma Kinnaird - Strathclyde
Kinnison, Dr. David - Southampton
Kirby - Cambridge
jennifer.kirkhouse - Strathclyde
Ms Jennifer Kirkhouse - Strathclyde
Dr Mariko Kishi - Kingston
J Klein - Oxford
Klenerman - Cambridge
Dr Elena Klenova - Essex
KLIMO, Paul - South Bank
Klinowski - Cambridge
Prof David Klug - London - Imperial College
Dr J G Knight - Newcastle
Dr J G Knight - Newcastle
Professor D W Knight - Cardiff
KNOWLES, John - South Bank
Professor P J Knowles - Cardiff
Professor P J Knowles - Cardiff
Professor Peter Knowles - Birmingham
Professor Selby Knox - Bristol
Philip J Kocienski - Leeds
Dr Gabriele Kociok-Köhn - Bath
Prof P Kocovsky - Glasgow
Professor Curt Koenders - Kingston
Carolyn A. Koh - London - King's College
Dr Kurt Kolansinski - Birmingham
Dr K W Kolasinski - Birmingham
Prof. Alexei Kornyshev - London - Imperial College
Ivan Kozhevnikov - Liverpool
evelin.kozma - Strathclyde
Ms Evelin Kozma - Strathclyde
Arno Kraft - Heriot-Watt
KRAINCANIC, Ivana - South Bank
Dr Roman Kresinski - Kingston
E. Kruiswijk - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Anthony Kucernak - London - Imperial College
KUDIC, Lilly - South Bank
Dr Nikolai Kuhnert - Surrey
christian.kuzniewski - Strathclyde
Mr Christian Kuzniewski - Strathclyde
Dr. Randolf Köhn - Bath
Dr. D. Lacey - Hull
CRANSWICK Lachlan - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Dr. Eric E. Lachowski - Aberdeen
Eric E. Lachowski - Aberdeen
Dr. M.C. Lagunas - Belfast (Queen's)
LAKE, Martin - South Bank
Moti Lal - Liverpool
Lambert - Cambridge
Simon J. Lancaster - UEA
Mr Mike Lancaster - York
Dr I. Lane - Belfast (Queen's)
s.lang - Strathclyde
Mr Stuart Lang - Strathclyde
Langley, Dr. John - Southampton
Langridge-Smith - Edinburgh
Spatial Language - Plymouth
Dr A Lapthorn - Glasgow
Lark, Sally - Glamorgan
LARKAI, Samuel - South Bank
Latest - Leeds Metropolitan
Latest - Leeds Metropolitan
Latham - De Montfort
MORIARTY Laura - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
TERRADOT Laurent - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Laurie - De Montfort
Robert Law - London - Imperial College
Dr. Mark M . Law - Aberdeen
Mark M. Law - Aberdeen
LAWANSON, Shireen - South Bank
Lawley - Edinburgh
Lawson - De Montfort
Richard A Layfield - Cambridge
Leach, John - Manchester Metropolitan
Nicholas E. Leadbeater - London - King's College
learning - Robert Gordon
Prof Robin Leatherbarrow - London - Imperial College
Nick E. LeBrun - UEA
helene.lecomte - Strathclyde
Ms Helene Lecomte - Strathclyde
Dr Joe Lee - UMIST
sookeun.lee - Strathclyde
Ms Soo-Keun Lee - Strathclyde
WHITMORE Lee - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
FAULKNER Lee - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Dr. A. F. Lee - Hull
Lee, Christopher - Glamorgan
Leeper - Cambridge
Lees, Graham - Manchester Metropolitan
GJ Leggett - UMIST
Prof Graham Leggett - Sheffield
Prof. A.C. Legon - Exeter
Prof. D. A. Leigh - Warwick
Mrs. Alison Leigh - Liverpool John Moores
Leigh - Edinburgh
Dr D Lennon - Glasgow
Dr R M Leslie - Nottingham Trent University
d.lester - Abertay Dundee
Levason, Professor Bill - Southampton
Control over polymeric materials at the nanometer level - UMIST
Levitt, Professor Malcolm - Southampton
Ivor A.S. Lewis - London - King's College
Alastair C Lewis - Leeds
Dr Dewi W Lewis - London - University College
Lewis, Rhobert - Glamorgan
Liauw, Chris - Manchester Metropolitan
e-chem library - UEA
Paul Lickiss - London - Imperial College
Obesity and lifestyle - Plymouth
j.j.liggat - Strathclyde
Dr John J Liggat - Strathclyde
Light, Dr. Mark - Southampton
Dr P Lightfoot - St Andrews
C-K. Lim - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Statistical Disclosure Limitation - Plymouth
a.m.t.linacre - Strathclyde
Dr Adrian MT Linacre - Strathclyde
Linclau, Dr. Bruno - Southampton
Dr. Philip Lindan - Kent at Canterbury
Dr David Lindsay - Bristol
Ted Lindsell - Heriot-Watt
Linford - De Montfort
Ling, Stephen - Glamorgan
Liquid-Crystals - Aston
Publication list - De Montfort
list - Brunel
Full Listing - Leeds - Polymer IRC
Prof. J.A. Littlechild - Exeter
rachael.littleford - Strathclyde
Dr Rachael Littleford - Strathclyde
d.littlejohn - Strathclyde
Prof David Littlejohn - Strathclyde
Prof. Francis R. Livens - Manchester
Dr Julie C Lloyd - Essex
Dr Guy Lloyd-Jones - Bristol
Local - Strathclyde
LODY, Stan - South Bank
Professor D.E. Logan - Oxford
Nick Long - London - Imperial College
Jeremy R. Lord - Sheffield Hallam
G. Lord - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
WERNISCH Lorenz - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Dr W. John Lough - Sunderland
Mrs. L.M.Lough - Kent at Canterbury
Louis - Cambridge
Love, J., Dr - Nottingham
Mr. R. Lovell - Exeter
Dr. P.J. Low - Durham
John N Low - Aberdeen
P. Lowden - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
M.P. Lowe - Leicester
Dr John Lowe - Bath
Owen Lozman - Leeds
WANG Lu-Chun - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Dr P D Lucas - Loughborough
Luckhurst, Professor Geoffrey - Southampton
LUNN, Colin - South Bank
Lygo, B., Dr - Nottingham
Paul Lynch - Derby
MACAULEY, Ola - South Bank
roslyn.macdonald - Strathclyde
Mrs Roslyn MacDonald - Strathclyde
Dr John N. Macdonald - Bangor
Stuart Macgregor - Heriot-Watt
fiona.s.macintyre - Strathclyde
Ms Fiona S MacIntyre - Strathclyde
S.P. Mackay - Sunderland
Dr Stuart Mackenzie - Warwick
Dr. G. Mackenzie - Hull
Dr Aulay Mackenzie - Essex
Dr R K Mackie - St Andrews
Dr W C Mackrodt - St Andrews
MACLENAN, Malcolm - South Bank
Mr Fraser MacLeod - Strathclyde
MacMillan, Dr. D. - Edinburgh
Dr Ken MacNeil - Bristol
Dr D D MacNicol - Glasgow
Dr. Donald E. Macphee - Aberdeen
Donald E. Macphee - Aberdeen
Dr Julie Macpherson - Warwick
Dr Duncan Macquarrie - York
TB MAGPIE - Newcastle
mohan.mahesh - Strathclyde
Mr Mohan Mahesh - Strathclyde
Dr. Mary Mahon - Bath
MAIDMENT, Graeme - South Bank
MAIDMENT, Mandy - South Bank
Dr D. J. Maitland - Bradford
David J. Malcolme-Lawes - London - King's College
umesh.mali - Strathclyde
Mr Umesh Mali - Strathclyde
Dr A Malkov - Glasgow
Dr P R Mallinson - Glasgow
Dr. J.F. Malone - Belfast (Queen's)
J.R. Malpass - Leicester
MAN, Dominic - South Bank
Forest Pest Management - Ulster
Engineering Management - Plymouth
Environmental Processes and Management - Plymouth
Organisational Learning and Health Sector Management - Plymouth
UTWC - water management - Abertay Dundee
Dr Fred Manby - Bristol
Mrs. B. Manley - Exeter
Dr Alastair Mann - Kingston
Prof Brian Mann - Sheffield
Mann, D., Mrs - Nottingham
Prof. J. Mann - Belfast (Queen's)
Dr D.E. Manolopoulos - Oxford
Site Map - Strathclyde
A-Z SITE MAP - Greenwich
Site Map - Strathclyde
Site Map - Strathclyde
Site Map - Strathclyde
Campus Map - Belfast (Queen's)
Interactive City Map - Belfast (Queen's)
Site Map - Strathclyde
Site Map - Strathclyde
Campus Map - Belfast (Queen's)
Spatial Modelling and Disease Mapping - Plymouth
Maps - Aberdeen
Prof. T.B. Marder - Durham
Mareque - Edinburgh
RICHARDS Mark - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
BETSON Mark - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Dr. Frank Marken - Bath
Dr Alison Marks - Bradford
MARKWICK, Gillian - South Bank
Professor B A Marples - Loughborough
Dr. A.C. Marr - Belfast (Queen's)
Dr. Iain L. Marr - Aberdeen
Iain L. Marr - Aberdeen
Stephen P Marsden - Leeds
Dr Andrew Marsh - Warwick
Dr Charles M Marson - London - University College
George Marston - Reading
alaine.martin - Strathclyde
Mrs Alaine Martin - Strathclyde
VICKERS Martin - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
HUNT Martin - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
EDWARDS Martin - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
MARU - South Bank
MARVROULIDOU, Maria - South Bank
Maryan, Chris - Manchester Metropolitan
Dr H Maskill - Newcastle
Dr H Maskill - Newcastle
Prof Chris F Mason - Essex
Dr Mary Masson - Aberdeen
Dr Mary Masson - Aberdeen
Dr Mary R. Masson - Aberdeen
Dr Mary Masson - Aberdeen
Dr A J Masters - Manchester
Masters - Huddersfield
taught masters - Derby
Prof A J Matchett - Teesside
Direct detection of mycobacterial disease in clinical and archaeological material - Newcastle
MaterialsInterfaces - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
Dr Paul Matewele - North London
Dr A S Matharu - Nottingham Trent University
Mathematics - Nottingham Trent University
Mathematics - Nottingham Trent University
Pure Mathematics - Plymouth
Industrial and Engineering Mathematics - Plymouth
Applied Mathematics - Plymouth
Mathscope - Salford
F. De Matteis - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
DAVIES Matthew - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Dr C J Matthews - Nottingham Trent University
Professor Ray Matthews - North London
Matthews - De Montfort
MATTHEWS, Richard - South Bank
ATTFIELD Martin AUSTIN Maureen - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Dr. Iain May - Manchester
Dr Paul May - Bristol
Andrew G. Mayes - UEA
Martin J Mays - Cambridge
craig.p.mcadam - Strathclyde
Mr Craig McAdam - Strathclyde
morven.mcalpine - Strathclyde
Ms Morven McAlpine - Strathclyde
bernard.mcardle - Strathclyde
Mr Bernard McArdle - Strathclyde
Dr Pam McAthey - North London
Professor CA McAuliffe - UMIST
ailie.mccabe - Strathclyde
Miss Ailie McCabe - Strathclyde
Tommy McCann - Ulster
Mr Stuart McCann - Paisley
k.mccarney - Strathclyde
Ms Karen M McCarney - Strathclyde
E. McCarthy - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
McCarthy, Peter - Glamorgan
Dr Peter McCarthy - Glamorgan
Professor Jon McCleverty - Bristol
Mr Cameron McColl - Paisley
Dr D McComb - Glasgow
McCombie, J., Dr - Nottingham
barry.k.mcconnell - Strathclyde
Mr Barry McConnell - Strathclyde
McCormick, Paul - Manchester Metropolitan
McCoustra, M.R.S., Dr - Nottingham
sheila.mcculloch - Strathclyde
Mrs Sheila McCulloch - Strathclyde
Kevin McCullough - Heriot-Watt
MCCUSKER, Shauna - South Bank
Neil McDonald - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Dr. Joseph J. W. McDouall - Manchester
Dr Angus McDougall - UMIST
McDougall - Edinburgh
Yvonne McElarney - Ulster
Iain McEwen - Heriot-Watt
Professor W McFarlane - Newcastle
Professor W McFarlane - Newcastle
Professor W McFarlane - Newcastle
m.mcfarlane - Strathclyde
Mr Michael McFarlane - Strathclyde
Dr D J McGarvey - Keele
Prof. J.J. McGarvey - Belfast (Queen's)
McGenity - Essex
Dr Terry McGenity - Essex
Mr Charles McGinness - Paisley
Patrick C McGowan - Leeds
G. Sean McGrady - London - King's College
Dr John McGrady - York
thomas.m.mcguire - Strathclyde
Mr Thomas M McGuire - Strathclyde
Dr G McHale - Nottingham Trent University
Dr. Eric J. L. McInnes - Manchester
Ms Sharon McIntryre - Strathclyde
sharon.e.mcintyre - Strathclyde
McIntyre, Peter - Glamorgan
John McKendrick - Reading
Ken McKendrick - Heriot-Watt
Mr N L McKenzie - Nottingham Trent University
Dr N B McKeown - Manchester
Professor N B McKeown - Cardiff
MCLAREN, Rachel - South Bank
Dr Abbie McLaughlin - Aberdeen
Abbie McLaughlin - Aberdeen
Dr Andy McLean - Paisley
Andy McLean - Paisley
McLean, Megan - Manchester Metropolitan
irene.mclellan - Strathclyde
Mrs Irene McLellan - Strathclyde
McMahon, Adam - Manchester Metropolitan
McMaster, J., Dr - Nottingham
brian.g.mcmillan - Strathclyde
Mr Brian G McMillan - Strathclyde
Prof Paul McMillan - London - University College
McNab - Edinburgh
g.mcnay - Strathclyde
Mr Graeme McNay - Strathclyde
Dr. Geoff P. McQuillan - Aberdeen
Geoffrey P. McQuillan - Aberdeen
neil.mcsporran - Strathclyde
Mr Neil McSporran - Strathclyde
Optical Chemical Sensors using Solvatochromic Dyes with Chromatic Modulation Measurement - Sheffield Hallam
Porous Media - Kent at Canterbury
medicinal/ - Paisley
Molecular Medicine - Essex
Molecular Medicine - Essex
Health and Medicines - Cardiff - Welsh School of Pharmacy
Steve R. Meech - UEA
Christmas Meeting - Surrey
Meetings - Reading
Dr G.H. Mehl - Hull
Aradhana Mehra - Derby
Dr Anthony J. H. M. Meijer - Sheffield
Dr Fiona Meldrum - Bristol
Dr M Mella - Cardiff
Mellor, Professor John - Southampton
MELLOW, Phil - South Bank
Polymer MeltsBlends - Leeds - Polymer IRC
MELVIN, Jeremy - South Bank
Section Members - Manchester - Structural Chemistry
Members - Glamorgan
Memory - Plymouth
MERRIDAN, Chris - South Bank
Mechanistic investigation of metallo-enzymes - Newcastle
METCALFE, Dave - South Bank
Shelf Sea Oceanography and Meteorology - Plymouth
Professor Otto Meth-Cohn - Sunderland
Organic Synthetic Methods - Leicester
Dr Metodi Metodiev - Essex
Dr F. Meunier - Belfast (Queen's)
Dr. J.Miao - Kent at Canterbury
WHITEHEAD Michael - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
GROSS Michael - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
J Micklefield - UMIST
Electro-optical and acousto-optical micro-structures - Kent at Canterbury
Electron Microscopy - Reading
Dr. M. Migaud - Belfast (Queen's)
Yolanda de Miguel - London - King's College
Dr Bryn Mile - Bristol
Professor I T Millar - Keele
MILLER, Dr David - Aston
Professor J N Miller - Loughborough
Prof. Andrew Miller - London - Imperial College
a.mills - Strathclyde
Prof Andrew Mills - Strathclyde
MILLS, Ray - South Bank
Professor Ian M. Mills - Reading
A. Milner - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Professor D. E. Minnikin - Newcastle
Prof D E Minnikin - Newcastle
M A Chesters BSc PhD (London) CChem FRSC CPhys MInstP - Nottingham
Marcelo Miranda - Leeds
MISSENDEN, John - South Bank
Philip Mitchell - Reading
Mrs. L. Mitchell - Exeter
Mitchell - Cambridge
Structures/Conceptual Modelling - Plymouth
CognitiveNeural Systems Modelling - Plymouth
Strategic ManagementBusiness Modelling - Plymouth
Environmental and Fluid Modelling - Plymouth
Last modified - London - University College
musarrat.mohammed - Strathclyde
Dr Musarrat Mohammed - Strathclyde
Mokaya, R., Dr - Nottingham
Professor Kieran Molloy - Bath
Dr M.G. Moloney - Oxford
Monk, Paul - Manchester Metropolitan
P.S. Monks - Leicester
Mr Satocar Damian Monllor - Strathclyde
damian.monllor-satoca - Strathclyde
Prof. C.J. Moody - Exeter
Prof. Peter Moore - Warwick
Geoffrey R. Moore - UEA
b.d.moore - Strathclyde
Dr Barry D Moore - Strathclyde
Dr John Moore - York
MOORE, Robert - South Bank
Nick Moore - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Moratti - Cambridge
more - Liverpool John Moores
more - Liverpool John Moores
more - Liverpool John Moores
more - Liverpool John Moores
more - Liverpool John Moores
more - Liverpool John Moores
more - Liverpool John Moores
more - Liverpool John Moores
more - Liverpool John Moores
more - Liverpool John Moores
more - Liverpool John Moores
more - Liverpool John Moores
more - Liverpool John Moores
more - Liverpool John Moores
More - Reading
more - Liverpool John Moores
More - Reading
More - Reading
More - Reading
MORGAN, Stephen - South Bank
MORGAN, Neil - South Bank
Professor E D Morgan - Keele
Keith Morgan - Heriot-Watt
Morgan, Robert - Glamorgan
Morgan, Edward - Glamorgan
Dr Robert Morgan - Glamorgan
Morgan - Cardiff - Welsh School of Pharmacy
Dr James I L Morison - Essex
Prof R E Morris - St Andrews
Prof. Gareth A. Morris - Manchester
Harry Morris - Liverpool John Moores
Dr Michael J Morris - Sheffield
Morrison - Edinburgh
Mr Jim Morrow - Strathclyde
Dr R J Mortimer - Loughborough
Morton, John - Glamorgan
Dr K Moss - Nottingham Trent University
David Moss - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Dr Hazel Mottram - Bristol
Mrs. J. S. Moulster - Exeter
Mount - Edinburgh
Dr P. Mountford - Oxford
Dr. G.Mountjoy - Kent at Canterbury
Dr Tanja van Mourik - London - University College
PBMS MRes - Brighton
Beevers MS - Aston
Mrs. S. D. Mudge - Exeter
neil.muir - Strathclyde
Mr Neil Muir - Strathclyde
Dr K W Muir - Glasgow
MUKHERJEE, Debashish (Deb) - South Bank
Dr Adrian Mulholland - Bristol
Prof Phil Mullineaux - Essex
MULTESCU, Gheorghe - South Bank
r.e.mulvey - Strathclyde
Prof Robert E Mulvey - Strathclyde
Professor RW Munn - UMIST
MUNRO, Heather - South Bank
john.murphy - Strathclyde
Prof John A Murphy - Strathclyde
Murphy, Brian - Manchester Metropolitan
Murphy, Denis - Glamorgan
Dr D M Murphy - Cardiff
Dr Patrick J. Murphy - Bangor
Dr Lorrie M. Murphy - Bangor
Dr Lorrie Murphy - Bangor
Dr Martin Murray - Bristol
fraser.murray - Strathclyde
Mr Fraser Murray - Strathclyde
MURRAY, Mary - South Bank
Mr. P. Murray - Exeter
Judith Murray-Rust - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Murray-Rust - Cambridge
muthu.murugesan - Strathclyde
Dr Muthu Murugesan - Strathclyde
Log into MUSE - Sheffield
SMITH Myron - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Professor Klaus Müller-Dethlefs - York
I - N - Southampton
Dr F Nabhani - Teesside
Prof J H Naismith - St Andrews
By name - Southampton
Name - London - University College
Prof Angela F Danil de Namor - Surrey
Nandhakumar, Dr. Iris - Southampton
NAOUM, Shamil - South Bank
skip to local navigation - Strathclyde
skip navigation - Strathclyde
Claire Naylor - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
NCRL - Newcastle
Dr D B Neal - Nottingham Trent University
Martin Neale - Ulster
Prof David B Nedwell - Essex
Mrs Gillian Neeson - Strathclyde
g.neeson - Strathclyde
RANSON Neil - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
McDONALD Neil - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Mr NeilBarnes - Nottingham
pauline.neilly - Strathclyde
Ms Pauline Neilly - Strathclyde
L Andrew Nelson - Leeds
Adam Nelson - Leeds
Dr. P.G. Nelson - Hull
Soft Matter Network - Leeds - Polymer IRC
The Governance Network - Plymouth
About NEWI - NEWI (North East Wales)
Ms Frances Newman - Strathclyde
frances.newman - Strathclyde
Dr P D Newman - Cardiff
Prof.R.J.Newport - Kent at Canterbury
Conference news - NEWI (North East Wales)
Local News - Glasgow
NewsEvents - Plymouth
Newsevents - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
NewsEvents - Plymouth
NewsEvents - Plymouth
Dr M I Newton - Nottingham Trent University
Neylon, Dr. Cameron - Southampton
n.nicdaeid - Strathclyde
Nicholas, Gordon - Manchester Metropolitan
Barry Nicholls - Liverpool John Moores
Barry Nicholls - Liverpool John Moores
Prof Peter Nicholls - Essex
Richard Nichols - Liverpool
MOORE Nick - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
KEEP Nick - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Dr Graham Nickless - Bristol
J. Nicklin - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Dr Anna Nicolaou - Bradford
NIGRIN, Alan - South Bank
roslyn.nimmo - Strathclyde
Mrs Roslyn Nimmo - Strathclyde
Dr V Nithiananthan - Teesside
Dr. R.M. Nix - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
Dr R M Nix - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
solid-state NMR - Durham
solution-state NMR - Durham
Dr Lyn Noble - Sunderland
NOLAN, Phil - South Bank
William Nolan - Cambridge
d.c.nonhebel - Strathclyde
Dr Derek C Nonhebel - Strathclyde
CRONIN Nora - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
alison.nordon - Strathclyde
Dr Alison Nordon - Strathclyde
Dr Nicholas Norman - Bristol
Mike North - London - King's College
Prof John Norton - Essex
SCS Noticeboard - Abertay Dundee
Room / Equipment List NSC - London Metropolitan
Guanine-tetrads from chelate-tethered nucleobases - Newcastle
Useful telephone numbers - Bristol
Stanley C. Nyburg - London - King's College
NYERGES, Gabor - South Bank
Professor P O'Brien - Manchester
Dr Peter O'Brien - York
Dr Simon O'Doherty - Bristol
Ms Elizabeth O'Donnell - Strathclyde
Mrs Margaret O'Donnell - Paisley
Dr. AnnMarie C. O'Donoghue - Durham
Dr Minnie O'Farrell - Essex
P. O'Grady - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Prof D O'Hagan - St Andrews
Dr Charlie O'Hara - Strathclyde
Professor D. O'Hare - Oxford
PJ O'Malley - UMIST
Ian O'Neil - Liverpool
Paul O'Neill - Liverpool
elizabeth.o-donnell - Strathclyde
Dr Tim Obey - Bristol
M. Odlyha - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
k.oduyemi - Abertay Dundee
School Office - Leeds Metropolitan
Executive Dean's Office - South Bank
Press Office - NEWI (North East Wales)
Code ofPractice - Exeter
Ogden, Dr. Steve - Southampton
o.ogwuda - Abertay Dundee
Mr Olisanwendu I Ogwuda - Abertay Dundee
charlie.ohara - Strathclyde
OJINNAKA, Delia - South Bank
Dr Yemi Olabiran - North London
Dr N.J. Oldham - Oxford
Text only - Bath
Text only - Bath
View this page as text only - Aberdeen
Text only - Bath
Dr Li Ling Ooi - Cardiff
OPENSHAW, Colin - South Bank
sophie.oppilliart - Strathclyde
Ms Sophie Oppilliart - Strathclyde
PhD Opportunities - Sheffield
Placement Opportunities - Salford
Org/Bioorg - Strathclyde
Physical Organic - York
Organic - York
organic - Bradford
organic - Bradford
organic - Bradford
Organometallics - York
Professor R M Ormerod - Keele
Professor Guy Orpen - Bristol
Dr Andrew Orr-Ewing - Bristol
ORRIN, John - South Bank
BATEMAN Orval - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Helen Osborn - Reading
OSHIKOYA, Oluseyi (Isaac) - South Bank
Ostah - De Montfort
Other - Exeter
Other - Exeter
Otto - Cambridge
Outreach - Brighton
Dr. T.L. Overton - Hull
andrew.owen - Strathclyde
Mr Andrew W Owen - Strathclyde
Owen, Dr. John - Southampton
Role of anti-oxidants in lipid oxidation - Paisley
Role of anti-oxidants in lipid oxidation - Paisley
Prof Geoffrey A Ozin - London - University College
Prof. Greg O’Hare’s - Derby
Mr Chris O’Toole - Paisley
G to P - Paisley
group page - UMIST
return to top of page - Strathclyde
PAGE, Mark - South Bank
Elizabeth Page - Reading
Professor P C B Page - Loughborough
top of page - Essex
jobs page - Cambridge
Go to intranet pages - Greenwich
group web pages - Loughborough
IBCHN Web pages - London Metropolitan
The Clary Group Pages - London - University College
Chronic Low Back Pain - Glamorgan
Geodynamics and Palaeomagnetism - Plymouth
j.palfreyman - Abertay Dundee
Palmer - Edinburgh
Dr Richard Pancost - Bristol
Prof. C.N. Pannell - Kent at Canterbury
Past Exam Papers - Salford
Sample Exam Papers - London Metropolitan
Novel main group clusters and ab-initio prediction of NMR parameters - Newcastle
N. Paramonov - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Parasitology - Ulster
Dr Jennifer A J Pardoe - Sheffield
PARINE, Nick - South Bank
Professor RV Parish - UMIST
AJ Parker - UMIST
John Parker - Heriot-Watt
Dr M C Parker - Glasgow
Prof. D. Parker - Durham
Professor Steve Parker - Bath
Prof Ivan P Parkin - London - University College
Dr James E Parkin - London - University College
Dr. B.C. Parkin - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
Dr B C Parkin - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
Adrian W. Parkins - London - King's College
john.parkinson - Strathclyde
Dr John A. Parkinson - Strathclyde
PARSA, Ali - South Bank
Dr Andrew Parsons - York
Parsons - Edinburgh
Dr I W Parsons - Birmingham
Dr Ian Parsons - Birmingham
David Partridge - Anglia Polytechnic University
Mrs. J. Pask - Salford
Melissa Pasquali - Liverpool John Moores
Melissa Pasquali - Liverpool John Moores
Passfield, Louis - Glamorgan
Dr Bob F. Pastor - Bradford
Mr Jigneshkumar Jashbhai Patel - Strathclyde
Paterson - Cambridge
h.r.paton - Strathclyde
Mrs Helen Paton - Strathclyde
Paton - Edinburgh
Dr Graham L Patrick - Paisley
Graham Patrick - Paisley
Pattenden, G., Professor - Nottingham
STUKAS Paul - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
BARNES Paul - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Paula Craib, Glassblower - Aberdeen
Dr V.N. Paunov - Hull
Prof Peter L Pauson - Strathclyde
Paver, Dr. Mike - Southampton
Pavlidis - De Montfort
Pe-W - Glasgow
Dr J. M. Peach - Oxford
Dr R D Peacock - Glasgow
Jo Peacock - Essex
PEARCE, Dr Dierdre - Aston
Jack Pearce - Liverpool John Moores
Prof Frederick L Pearce - London - University College
colin.m.pearson - Strathclyde
Mr Colin M Pearson - Strathclyde
PEARSON, Steve - South Bank
Pedersen, Palle - Glamorgan
Dr C Peel - Teesside
PEKRIS, Joseph - South Bank
Dr C Percival - Nottingham Trent University
J.M. Percy - Leicester
Dr J M Percy - Birmingham
Dr Jonathan Percy - Birmingham
PEREZ, Tanya - South Bank
Theatre and Performance - Plymouth
Dr C C Perry - Nottingham Trent University
Professor Robin Perutz - York
PERVEZ, Anjum (Jim) - South Bank
Professor Laurence Peter - Bath
r.a.pethrick - Strathclyde
Prof Richard A Pethrick - Strathclyde
inga.petry - Strathclyde
Ms Inga Petry - Strathclyde
Pett - De Montfort
PETTIT, Raymond - South Bank
Joe Pfab - Heriot-Watt
PHAURE, Julie - South Bank
Prof. David Phillips - London - Imperial College
Miss R. Phillips - Exeter
Dr D Philp - St Andrews
graduation photographs - Essex
Dr Andreas Phylactos - North London
Physical - York
Physical - York
physical - Bath
physical - Bath
physical - Bath
Engineering Physics - Nottingham Trent University
Professional Group: Physiotherapy - Leeds Metropolitan
Pickering - De Montfort
Jason Pickford: - Ulster
PIERINI, Riccardo - South Bank
Dr Z Pikramenou - Birmingham
Dr Zoe Pikramenou - Birmingham
Michael J Pilling - Leeds
Jim Pitts - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Other Places - UMIST
Campus Plan - Kent at Canterbury
Action Plan - Brighton
School Plan - Brighton
Lab Floor Plans - Kent at Canterbury
Dr. M. John Plater - Aberdeen
M. John Plater - Aberdeen
Dr J A Platts - Cardiff
Pletcher, Professor Derek - Southampton
Dr. A. Gh. Podoleanu - Kent at Canterbury
Poliakoff, M., Professor - Nottingham
Public Policy - Plymouth
Marine and Coastal Policy - Plymouth
Our Policy - Glamorgan
Accessibility Policy - Aberdeen
Privacy Policy - Aberdeen
Polistina, Kim - Glamorgan
polymer - Bradford
Solid Polymers - Leeds - Polymer IRC
PolymersMaterials - Manchester Metropolitan
Mr Mervyn Ponweera - North London
PLA Popelier - UMIST
POPLE, Nicolas - South Bank
Dr Michael Porter - London - University College
portfolio - Liverpool John Moores
Position - Durham
Postdocs - London - University College
POTTER, Mike - South Bank
Dr David Povey - Surrey
Professor RL Powell - UMIST
Mark Powell - Liverpool John Moores
POWELL, Chris - South Bank
Anthony Powell - Heriot-Watt
Powell, Gareth - Glamorgan
Powis, I., Professor - Nottingham
Prof. J.G. Powles - Kent at Canterbury
Prof. Kosmas Prassides - Durham
Dr J A Preece - Birmingham
Dr Jon Preece - Birmingham
a.prescott - Abertay Dundee
Peter Preston - Heriot-Watt
r.preston - Abertay Dundee
Professor Jules Pretty - Essex
Integrated waste management and Integrated Pollution PreventionControl - Paisley
Integrated waste management and Integrated Pollution PreventionControl - Paisley
Prof. Colin Price - Manchester
Prof Stephen D Price - London - University College
Prof Sarah (Sally) L Price - London - University College
Price, Richard - Glamorgan
Dr. Gareth Price - Bath
Dr William H. Prichard - Warwick
Professor Paul Pringle - Bristol
RG Pritchard - UMIST
Dr G J Pritchard - Loughborough
Miss. G. Pritchard - Exeter
Privacy - Sheffield
Privacy - Sheffield
PROBERT, Steve - South Bank
Coastal Processes - Plymouth
Microscale polymer Processing - Leeds - Polymer IRC
Polymer ProcessingPerformance - Aston
Dr D J Procter - Glasgow
Emeritus Professors - Bristol
Emeritus Professors - Bristol
Our Profile - Leeds Metropolitan
Data Projector: - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Plant design or process modification projects - Paisley
Dr. I. Prokes - Exeter
Property, Surveying and Construction - South Bank
Property, SurveyingConstruction - South Bank
CK Prout - Oxford
Professional Group: Psychology - Leeds Metropolitan
Social Psychology - Plymouth
Health and psychology - Plymouth
d.pugh - Strathclyde
Dr David Pugh - Strathclyde
Dr I D Pulford - Glasgow
Pulham - Edinburgh
Pyle - Cambridge
Dr. L-O. Pålsson - Durham
Air qualityhealth - Paisley
Air qualityhealth - Paisley
Juliette Quattrarao - Liverpool
Dr P Quayle - Manchester
QUBIAN, Ali - South Bank
Quince, Marga - Glamorgan
Prof. Nick Quirke - London - Imperial College
Professor Freda R - Glamorgan
PISULA Rafal - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
SHABAN Raheel - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
RAHIM, Abdur - South Bank
Prof Christine A Raines - Essex
Professor Paul Raithby - Bath
P. Rajani - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
V Ramesh - UMIST
Professor C A Ramsden - Keele
Prof E W Randall - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
Rankin - Edinburgh
Neil Ranson - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
RAPLEY, Nigel - South Bank
Colin L Raston - Leeds
Rasmita Raval - Liverpool
E. Raven - Leicester
B. Rawlings - Leicester
Rawson - Cambridge
Rayment - Cambridge
R. Rayne - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Christopher M Rayner - Leeds
Track record - Paisley
REDHEAD, Andy - South Bank
Carl Redshaw - UEA
REEHAL, Hari - South Bank
Rees, Prof. L. V. C. - Edinburgh
Colin B. Reese - London - King's College
Dr Roger N. Reeve - Sunderland
Reeves - Essex
Dr A C Regan - Manchester
Registry - Aberdeen
Dr John Reglinski - Strathclyde
Rego, Chris - Manchester Metropolitan
Long term conditions and rehabilitation - Plymouth
thibault.rehn - Strathclyde
Mr Thibault Rehn - Strathclyde
Dr Jonathan Reid - Bristol
k.reid - Strathclyde
Ms Kate Reid - Strathclyde
andrew.reid - Strathclyde
Mr Andrew K Reid - Strathclyde
Gavin D Reid - Leeds
Reid, Dr. Gill - Southampton
Reid, K.L., Dr - Nottingham
Dr H J Reid - Loughborough
Dr J P Reid - Birmingham
Dr Jonathan Reid - Bristol
a.j.reid - Abertay Dundee
Marketing & Public Relations - Plymouth
Contaminated land – risk assessment and remediation - Paisley
Contaminated land – risk assessment and remediation - Paisley
Dr Harry M Rendall - Paisley
Adrian R. Rennie - London - King's College
SAVVA Renos - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
D. Renouf - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
EPSRC Reports - Leeds - Polymer IRC
Entry Requirements - Anglia Polytechnic University
Dr. M. Resmini - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
Dr M Resmini - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
High Resolution - Durham
Very Low Resolution - Durham
Low Resolution - Durham
High Resolution - Durham
Very Low Resolution - Durham
Low Resolution - Durham
Nuclear magnetic resonance - Kent at Canterbury
Resources - London - University College
online resources - Essex
resources - Cambridge
Resources - London - University College
Rest, Dr. Tony - Southampton
Dr Bill Revell - North London
Physics Review - York
PALMER Rex - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Dr Paul Reynolds - Bristol
REYNOLDS, Gillian - South Bank
Prof Chris Reynolds - Essex
Chris Rhodes - Liverpool John Moores
Professor David Rice - Reading
WESTLAKE Richard - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Professor W.G. Richards - Oxford
Dr. C.J. Richards - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
Dr C J Richards - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
Prof N V Richardson - St Andrews
Dr D T Richens - St Andrews
RICHMOND, Larry - South Bank
Prof. G. Richter - Exeter
Mike Rickard - Bristol
Prof. G. Rickayzen - Kent at Canterbury
a.ricketts - Strathclyde
Dr Alastair Ricketts - Strathclyde
Dr David Rickwood - Essex
Prof John H Ridd - London - University College
Dr F G Riddell - St Andrews
Dr. B. Ridge - Exeter
RIDLER, Peter - South Bank
Maurice Rigby - London - King's College
Dr Jason Riley - Bristol
Dr Steve Rimmer - Sheffield
Dr Brian Rippey - Ulster
craig.ritchie - Strathclyde
Mr Craig Ritchie - Strathclyde
Dr G. Ritchie - Oxford
Roach, Dr. Peter - Southampton
Mike A. Robb - London - King's College
Prof. Mike Robb - London - Imperial College
ROBBINS, Michael - South Bank
Dr David Roberts - Bristol
ROBERTS, Tony - South Bank
Prof Brian Roberts - London - University College
Stan Roberts - Liverpool
Professor M W Roberts - Cardiff
Dr J. Robertson - Oxford
Robertson - Edinburgh
penelope.robin - Strathclyde
Ms Penelope Ann Robin - Strathclyde
STAMLER Robin - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Prof D J Robins - Glasgow
Brian H. Robinson - UEA
ROBINSON, Peter - South Bank
ROBINSON, Herbert - South Bank
Robinson - Cambridge
Dr P. M. Rodger - Warwick
Dr Alison Rodger - Warwick
Rogers, Colin - Glamorgan
DAVIS Roley - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
ROONEY, Mary-Jane - South Bank
Georgina Rosair - Heriot-Watt
Dr. Steve Roser - Bath
Matt Rosseinsky - Liverpool
Dr. D.R. Rosseinsky - Exeter
Mr Keith Rosser - Bristol
Chris Rostron - Liverpool John Moores
Dr. Chris Rostron - Liverpool John Moores
SST Clearing and Invigilation Rota - London Metropolitan
MS Clearing and Invigilation Rota - London Metropolitan
FND Clearing Rota - London Metropolitan
BM Clearing and Invigilation Rota - London Metropolitan
ROTTER, Ken - South Bank
Dr Jonathan P. Rourke - Warwick
Dr Anne Routledge - York
Mr S M Rowan - Nottingham Trent University
ROWE, Mike - South Bank
Professor Fred J.Rowell - Sunderland
ROWLAND, John - South Bank
Professor Geoff Rowley - Sunderland
Dr David M Rowley - London - University College
Dr N M Rowley - Birmingham
Dr Natalie Rowley - Birmingham
Dr Zoë Ruiz - Ulster
David A. Russell - UEA
Dr Chris Russell - Bristol
claire.j.russell - Strathclyde
Ms Claire J Russell - Strathclyde
Russell, Dr. Andrea - Southampton
Andy Russell - Reading
D.R. Russell - Leicester
Dr D S Rycroft - Glasgow
Ryder - De Montfort
Dr. K.S.Ryder - De Montfort
Dr K S Ryder - Loughborough
Dr. L.H. Ryder - Kent at Canterbury
Prof. Henry Rzepa - London - Imperial College
Tonge S - Aston
Al-Malaika S - Aston
Professor P.P. Edwards F.R.S - Oxford
Professor I W M Smith F R S - Birmingham
Professor P P Edwards F R S - Birmingham
ABDULLAHI Saada - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Dr Peter Saalfrank - London - University College
gwenola.sabatte - Strathclyde
Miss Gwenola Sabatte - Strathclyde
theresa.m.sabbatini - Strathclyde
Ms Theresa M Sabbatini - Strathclyde
I. H. Sadler - Edinburgh
P. J. Sadler - Edinburgh
Helen Saibil - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Professor Malcolm Sainsbury - Bath
jorge.salazar-gomez - Strathclyde
Mr Jorge Salazar-Gomez - Strathclyde
Stan Salmon - Derby
Dr W G Salt - Loughborough
Matthew Salter - London - King's College
Dr. I.D. Salter - Exeter
Dr. J.P.B. Sandall - Exeter
Sanders - Cambridge
Dr. J.M. Sanderson - Durham
Dr. G. Sandford - Durham
david.sandquist - Strathclyde
Mr David Sandquist - Strathclyde
COHEN-KRAUSZ SARA - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
TILLEY Sarah - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
s.sarkar - Abertay Dundee
Sarre, P., Professor - Nottingham
SATTAR, Tariq - South Bank
jana.satyasankar - Strathclyde
S M Saunders - Leeds
Dr. G.C. Saunders - Belfast (Queen's)
Renos Savva - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
SBAS - North London
SBMS - Surrey
Generalis SC - Aston
Neutron and X-ray scattering - Kent at Canterbury
SCHAFFER, Tom - South Bank
David Schiffrin - Liverpool
Schlindwein - De Montfort
Helen Schofield - UMIST
Professor C.J. Schofield - Oxford
Entrance Scholarships - Reading
Assistant Dean and Head of School - Leeds Metropolitan
Visit the School - Salford
by School - Plymouth
About the School - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
About the School - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
About The School - Glamorgan
Faculties and Schools - Leeds Metropolitan
Schools - Bangor
Schools - Bangor
Schools - Bangor
Dr Frank Schreiber - Oxford
Schröder, M, Professor - Nottingham
Scotland - Aberdeen
Dr Peter Scott - Warwick
Stephen K Scott - Leeds
SCOTT, Nicholas - South Bank
Dr Karen Scott - Anglia Polytechnic University
s.scott - Abertay Dundee
Dr I. J. Scowen - Bradford
SCRIVEN, John - South Bank
Why SCS? - Abertay Dundee
Paul W Seakins - Leeds
Dr Andrew Searle - North London
Searle, M., Professor - Nottingham
Dr. A. Sebald - Exeter
VACHIERI Sebastien - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Administrative and Secretarial - UMIST
Secretarial - Nottingham
Secretarial - Nottingham
Secretarial - Nottingham
by section - Strathclyde
Business/Public Sector - Plymouth
Public Sector - NEWI (North East Wales)
Prof. K.R. Seddon - Belfast (Queen's)
SEELEY, John - South Bank
Dr Andrea Sella - London - University College
SENIOR, Geraldine - South Bank
SERC - De Montfort
Dr. S.Serjeant - Kent at Canterbury
Prof Paul Sermon - Surrey
Dr S Seth - St Andrews
Linda Seton - Liverpool John Moores
Milo Shaffer - London - Imperial College
Dr Dudley Shallcross - Bristol
SONEJI Shamit - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
MORGAN Shane - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
SHANNON, Richard - South Bank
Dr I J Shannon - Birmingham
Dr Ian Shannon - Birmingham
Dr B L Sharp - Loughborough
Sharp, Dr. J. T. - Edinburgh
Dr T Shaw - Teesside
Bernard L Shaw - Leeds
Dr. A.M. Shaw - Exeter
Dr. G.N. Sheldrake - Belfast (Queen's)
Dr P W Shelton - Teesside
Dr Michael Shepherd - North London
e.e.a.shepherd - Strathclyde
Mrs Evelyn Shepherd - Strathclyde
martin.sheridan - Strathclyde
Mr Martin Sheridan - Strathclyde
Dr T S Sheriff - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
michael.sherlock - Strathclyde
Mr Michael Sherlock - Strathclyde
d.sherrington - Strathclyde
Prof David C Sherrington - Strathclyde
j.n.sherwood - Strathclyde
Prof JN Sherwood - Strathclyde
SHIELD, Bridget - South Bank
D. Shipp - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
SHIRKOOHI (MAZ), G. - South Bank
Roy Siddall - Derby
A-M. Da Silva - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Prof. A.P. de Silva - Belfast (Queen's)
M. Simmonds - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
P.Simmons - Sussex (School of Chemistry, Physics and Environmental Science)
JACQUES Simon - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Simpkins, N., Professor - Nottingham
neil.simpson - Strathclyde
Mr Neil J Simpson - Strathclyde
e.simpson - Abertay Dundee
Dr I R Sims - Birmingham
Dr Ian Sims - Birmingham
Dr Richard Singer - Kingston
Professor Gurdial Singh - Sunderland
About Site - London - Imperial College
sitemap - Plymouth
Heterogeneous Catalytic Selective Oxidation on Metal Oxides: molecular and dynamic approach to the active sites - UMIST
Marie Curie Training Sites - Nottingham
Size - London - University College
Dr. Peter J.Skabara - Manchester
Dr. Jan Skakle - Aberdeen
Jan M.S. Skakle - Aberdeen
Dr Anthony Skinner - Kingston
Dr C-K. Skylaris - Oxford
Prof Robert Slade - Surrey
Dr Peter Slater - Surrey
J. Slater - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Dr A M Z Slawin - St Andrews
Christine Slingsby - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Dr J Sloan - Oxford
Dr Z Sloman - Nottingham Trent University
John A.S. Smith - London - King's College
Dr D M Smith - St Andrews
Dr J G Smith - Newcastle
w.e.smith - Strathclyde
Prof W Ewen Smith - Strathclyde
Martin J Smith - Leeds
Dr David Smith - York
Professor John Lindsay Smith - York
SMITH, Kenneth - South Bank
Frank Smith - Paisley
Dr L.J. Smith - Oxford
Smith, R., Mrs - Nottingham
Smith,EF, Miss - Nottingham
Dr M B Smith - Loughborough
Professor R M Smith - Loughborough
Corinne Smith - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
C. Smith - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Dr. D.O. Smith - Kent at Canterbury
Dr. D.M. Smith - Exeter
Dr David J Smith - Essex
Barry Smith - Derby
Martin D Smith - Cambridge
k.smith - Abertay Dundee
thomas.n.snaddon - Strathclyde
Mr Thomas Snaddon - Strathclyde
Dr John Snaith - Birmingham
Dr John Snaith - Birmingham
Dr L. C. Snoek - Oxford
Alchemy Society - UEA
Environment and Society - Essex
Professor T.P. Softley - Oxford
G.A. Solan - Leicester
SOLOMON, Claudia - South Bank
Dr. C.J. Solomon - Kent at Canterbury
SOLON - Plymouth
Soultanas, P., Dr - Nottingham
George R Sparks - Leeds
Bio-Organic Mass Spectrometry - Greenwich
Spectroscopy - Leicester
NMR Spectroscopy - Exeter
Mass spectroscopy - Durham
NMR spectroscopy. - Newcastle
Mr David Speirs - Paisley
L. Spencer - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Professor M S Spencer - Cardiff
Spencer - Cambridge
Dr N Spencer - Birmingham
Mrs Glenis Spibey - Nottingham
m.d.spicer - Strathclyde
Dr Mark D Spicer - Strathclyde
Ol' Spidey - Sunderland
Dr Dominic Spillane - North London
Alan Spivey - London - Imperial College
Sprik - Cambridge
Spring - Cambridge
SKOULAKIS Spyros - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
V Sridharan - Leeds
k.srinivasan - Strathclyde
Dr K Srinivasan - Strathclyde
Stace, A, Professor - Nottingham
Andrew Stachulski - Liverpool
Staf - Manchester Metropolitan
Prof Glyn Stanway - Essex
Dr Moray Stark - York
privacy statement - Salford
Help / Accessibility Statement - Salford
Accessibility Statement - London Metropolitan
Privacy Statement - Bath
Nonparametric Statistics - Plymouth
Computational Statistics - Plymouth
Environmental Statistics - Plymouth
Jonathan W. Steed - London - King's College
Dr. J.W. Steed - Durham
Dr. P.G. Steel - Durham
Dr Derek Steele - London - Royal Holloway
STEELE, Clive - South Bank
Prof. A. Steele - Salford
Professor Edward Steers - North London
Aggi Steiner - Liverpool
Dr. E. Steiner - Exeter
Joachim Steinke - London - Imperial College
GEDDES Stella - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
TARLING Stephen - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
BAILEY Stephen - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
G. Richard Stephenson - UEA
TERRILL Steve - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
lorna.stevenson - Strathclyde
Ms Lorna Stevenson - Strathclyde
Dr. P.J. Stevenson - Belfast (Queen's)
martin.r.stewart - Strathclyde
lorraine.stewart - Strathclyde
Mr Martin R Stewart - Strathclyde
Ms Lorraine Stewart - Strathclyde
Dr Brian Stewart - Paisley
Brian Stewart - Paisley
David Steytler - UEA
Dr R J Stickland - Cardiff
Mr David Stirling - Paisley
Dr. T. Stirner - Hull
Dr M Stockenhuber - Nottingham Trent University
Robert A. Stockman - UEA
J. Stolze - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
Stone - Cambridge
Professor Frank Stone - Bath
Professor RJ Stoodley - UMIST
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Dr. John Storey - Aberdeen
John M D Storey - Aberdeen
Dick Storr - Liverpool
Prof. J.H. Strange - Kent at Canterbury
Prof G Street - Teesside
Principles of Protein Structure - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Macromolecular StructureDetermination - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Crystal Structures - Aberdeen
PerformanceReliability of StructuresMaterials - Plymouth
A.M. Stuart - Leicester
list by subdiscipline - London - University College
c.j.suckling - Strathclyde
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Computing Support - Bristol
Computing Support - Bristol
The Influence of Polymers and Surfactants onOil Removal from Surfaces - NEWI (North East Wales)
PhD: Smart Adhesive Surfaces - Cambridge
Dr M. J. Sutcliffe - Leicester
M.J. Sutcliffe - Leicester
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SUTHERLAND, Dr Andy - Aston
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Dr A Sutherland - Glasgow
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SWAN, Ronnie - South Bank
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Joe Sweeney - Reading
Online Syllabus - Manchester Metropolitan
SYMONDS, Barry - South Bank
Symons - De Montfort
Molecular SystematicsPhylogeny - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
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Engineering Systems - South Bank
Robotics and Intelligent Systems - Plymouth
Interactive Intelligent Systems - Plymouth
Mixing processes in large scale systems - Paisley
Modelling environmental systems - Paisley
Dr Alethea B Tabor - London - University College
Professor PJT Tait - UMIST
christine.talmard - Strathclyde
Miss Christine Talmard - Strathclyde
stewart.tannoch - Strathclyde
Mr Stewart Tannoch - Strathclyde
Sergei Taraskin - Cambridge
Stephen Tarling - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Tasker, Prof. P. - Edinburgh
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Dr B W Tattershall - Newcastle
Dr Paul C. Taylor - Warwick
michelle.k.taylor - Strathclyde
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Annette F Taylor - Leeds
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temp/ - Newcastle
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Prof K M Thomas - Newcastle
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Dr M.Thomas - Greenwich
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THOMAS, Nicola - South Bank
Dr Jim A. Thomas - Sheffield
Thomas, N.R., Dr - Nottingham
Prof Sir John Meurig Thomas - London - University College
MATTHEWS Thomas - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Thomas, Adrian - Glamorgan
Thomas, Malcolm - Glamorgan
JE Thomas-Oates - UMIST
Dr Dudley Thompson - Bristol
K. Thompson - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
M. Thompson - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
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Andrew J. Thomson - UEA
douglas.thomson - Strathclyde
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j.w.thorpe - Strathclyde
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Thurstans - De Montfort
graeme.j.thurston - Strathclyde
Mr Graeme J Thurston - Strathclyde
TIGHE, Professor Brian - Aston
Sarah Tilley - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
HOE Tim - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Dr. C. R. Timmel - Oxford
Prof. Kenneth Timmis - Essex
Dr Peter Timms - Bristol
Mrs TinaCaunt - Nottingham
Titiloye, J - Aston
TITILOYE, Dr James - Aston
Titman, J.J., Dr - Nottingham
Dr S. Titmuss - Oxford
GALBRAITH Toby - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
Dr Derek A Tocher - London - University College
Dr. M.H. Todd - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
Dr M H Todd - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
Prof. J.F.J. Todd - Kent at Canterbury
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TONGE, Dr Steve - Aston
To the Top - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
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Environmental Toxicology - Ulster
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mary.trainer - Strathclyde
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Training - Brighton
manuel.tramontana - Strathclyde
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Trembleau - Aberdeen
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Ms Taiwo Tuki - North London
Dr R J Turner - Nottingham Trent University
Turner, Dr. David - Southampton
TURNER, John - South Bank
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Turner - Edinburgh
Dr J.M.C.Turner - Bradford
Dr. Alan B. Turner - Aberdeen
Alan B. Turner - Aberdeen
TutorOnline: - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
TWEEDY, Keith - South Bank
Dr John Twibell - Anglia Polytechnic University
Dr Lance Twyman - Sheffield
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Dr Heather Tye - Birmingham
Dr Elizabeth Tyrrell - Kingston
About UAD - Abertay Dundee
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GOHLKE Ulrich - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
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Martin Vickers - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
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Dr. J.S. Vyle - Belfast (Queen's)
Professor David Waddington - York
m.wade - Strathclyde
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WAHAB, Ayman - South Bank
WAITES, Michael - South Bank
j.wake - Abertay Dundee
Gabriel Waksman - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
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j.walesby - Abertay Dundee
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Isobel Walker - Heriot-Watt
g.walker - Abertay Dundee
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T Wallace - UMIST
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Bonnie Wallace - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
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n.watson - Strathclyde
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claire.m.watt - Strathclyde
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WELSH, Mischa - South Bank
Tom Welton - London - Imperial College
Dr. M.J. Went - Kent at Canterbury
Lorenz Wernisch - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
West - De Montfort
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Dr N J Westwood - St Andrews
Acoustic Waves and Wetting - Nottingham Trent University
WHEATLEY, Anthony - South Bank
Wheatley, R.J., Dr - Nottingham
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Dr R Whelpton - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
r.j.whewell - Strathclyde
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Whitby, Professor Richard - Southampton
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Helen White - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
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n.white - Abertay Dundee
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A Whiting - UMIST
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g.wightman - Abertay Dundee
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Williams, Kath - Glamorgan
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Williamson, Ken - Manchester Metropolitan
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BTM Willis - Oxford
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d.willison - Strathclyde
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E. Willmott - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
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Dr Andrew S Wills - London - University College
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Wilson, C., Dr - Nottingham
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valerie.wilton - Strathclyde
Miss Valerie Wilton - Strathclyde
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WINTER, Wally - South Bank
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Winter, John - Glamorgan
Professor T Wirth - Cardiff
g.wishart - Abertay Dundee
Dr L.-L. Wong - Oxford
Dr. M.E. Wood - Exeter
Wood - Cambridge
d.wood - Abertay Dundee
Professor LV Woodcock - UMIST
Woodland - De Montfort
Woodward, S., Dr - Nottingham
J. Woodward - Leicester
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Workinghere - Plymouth
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Dr D R Worrall - Loughborough
Worthington, Hugh - Glamorgan
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andrew.g.wright - Strathclyde
Dr Kate Wright - London - University College
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Wright - Cambridge
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Dr A J Wright - Birmingham
Wright , T G, Dr - Nottingham
English and Creative Writing - Plymouth
Dr Paul Wyatt - Bristol
Dr. P.B. Wyatt - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
Dr P B Wyatt - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
l.wylde - Abertay Dundee
XIAO, Perry - South Bank
Jianliang Xiao - Liverpool
Sophia Yaliraki - London - Imperial College
Yellowlees, Dr. L. J. - Edinburgh
M. Yeustygnyeyev - London - Birkbeck College - Chemistry
YIAKOUMETTI, Kika - South Bank
Liming Ying - Cambridge
Mrs Margaret Young - Paisley
Dr. N.A. Young - Hull
Young, Kenneth - Glamorgan
i.young - Abertay Dundee
O - Z - Southampton
Q to Z - Paisley
ZAHIR, Mehdi - South Bank
Dr A Zarbakhsh - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
Dr. A. Zarbakhsh - London - Queen Mary and Westfield College
ZEKE - York
ZHANG, Jian-Guo - South Bank
YUAN Zhanhui - London - Birkbeck College - Crystallography
ZHAO, Zhanfang - South Bank
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department of chemistry University of Cambridge