The name MInChI now refers to the
Mixture InChI
This Java code generates MInChI from InChI and vice versa.
It may be used under the terms of the Artistic License.
* This class turns an InChI string into a MInChI string, and vice versa
*@author Jonathan M Goodman, Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, UK.
*@created 2006
class MInChI {
* This class turns an InChI string into a MInChI string, and vice-versa
public static void main(String[] args) {
String output = "";
String outputmain = " ";
String encode = "shclrmpqda";
String decode = "/-,();+?.*";
boolean inchi2minchi = true;
boolean header = true;
boolean firstheader = true;
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int k = -1;
System.out.println("(c) J M Goodman, 2006");
System.out.println("Cambridge University");
if (args[0].toLowerCase().indexOf("minchi") >= 0) {
inchi2minchi = false;
if (inchi2minchi) {
// converting inchi to minchi
output = "MInChI";
i = args[0].length();
for (j = 5; j < i; j++) {
if (args[0].charAt(j) == '=') {
output += "xe";
} else if (header) {
if (args[0].charAt(j) == '.') {
output += " ";
} else if (args[0].charAt(j) == '/') {
if (firstheader) {
firstheader = false;
output += " ";
} else {
header = false;
} else {
output += args[0].charAt(j);
} else {
if ((k / 12) * 12 == k) {
k = 0;
output += " ";
if (decode.indexOf(args[0].charAt(j)) >= 0) {
output += "x";
if ((k / 12) * 12 == k) {
k = 0;
output += " ";
output += encode.charAt(decode.indexOf(args[0].charAt(j)));
} else {
output += args[0].charAt(j);
} else {
// converting minchi to inchi
output = "InChI=" + args[0].substring(8) + "/";
i = args.length;
for (j = 1; j < i; j++) {
if (header) {
output += args[j];
if (args.length > j + 1) {
if (args[j + 1].indexOf("x") >= 0) {
output += "/";
header = false;
} else {
output += ".";
} else {
outputmain += args[j];
outputmain = outputmain.trim();
j = 0;
while (j < outputmain.length()) {
if (outputmain.charAt(j) == 'x') {
output += decode.charAt(encode.indexOf(outputmain.charAt(j)));
} else {
output += outputmain.charAt(j);