Editor: Jonathan M Goodman
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- raises
- RAMBIOS (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2003, 6, #4, 37)
- Randomly
- Reaction
- reactions
- readable
- Reality
- Reasons
- Recent
- Recherche
- Recognition
- Recommendation
- recommendations
- Red
- Reference
- Chemical Carcinogen Reference Standard Repository (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2001, 3, #6)
- ChemIndex (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2003, 7, #2, 24)
- Reference Spectra Databases (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2002, 5, #4, 2)
- Plastics abbreviations (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 13, #4, 47)
- Ugly web sites can work well (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 12, #4, 44)
- RefViz
- RefViz (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2007, 14, #4, 41)
- Registry
- Rejecting
- release
- Relibase
- renamed
- Rensselaer
- Report
- repositories
- Repository
- representation
- reprint
- requires
- Research
- Life Sciences Research at the OMG (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2001, 2, #1)
- Gnutella scalability (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2002, 4, #3)
- VMD (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2003, 7, #6)
- DGRweb [Directory of Grad Research] now free online (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 12, #1, 5)
- Enhanced Public Access to NIH Research Information (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 9, #5, 54)
- Exploratory Centres for Cheminformatics Research (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 12, #4, 40)
- Research (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2003, 6, #2, 18)
- NIH Calls on Scientists to Speed Public Release of Research Publications (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 10, #2, 22)
- Handbook of Fluorescent Probes and Research Products (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2002, 5, #1, 5)
- Syracuse Research Corporation (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 10, #2, 13)
- Web Science Research Initiative (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 13, #5, 59)
- Research)
- Resource
- resourceguides
- (38)What Every Chemist Should Know about Patents (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2002, 4, #6)
- Punch List of Best Practices for Electronic Resources (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 12, #2, 24)
- Instructional Resources for Chemistry (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2003, 7, #4, 45)
- Citations to internet resources (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 11, #4, 37)
- SPARC Author's Addendum [PDF] (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 9, #6, 71)
- Results
- retains
- retracted
- retrieval
- retrodigitisation
- review
- Reviews
- Rhodes
- Right
- Robert
- Roboscientist
- Rock
- roentgenium
- Rosetta
- Royal
- Free access to RSC journal archives for developing countries (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 12, #3, 31)
- Chemistry World (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 13, #2, 22)
- RSC retrodigitisation (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2003, 7, #2, 15)
- The end of Chemistry in Britain (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 8, #2, 22)
- RSC on Open Archives (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 8, #2, 13)
- RSS News Feeds for U.S. Pregrant Patent Publications (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 9, #5, 53)
- RSS (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 9, #2, 13)
- Are we cleverer because of technology? (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 11, #5, 51)
- RSS (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 8, #5, 58)
- Boring titles are best (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 12, #5, 53)
- Nanotechnology - good enough to eat? (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 13, #4, 42)
- Sciencebase RSS newsfeed (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 9, #3, 31)
- RSS (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 9, #1, 1)
- Rules
- Russian
- RXList
- RXList (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2002, 5, #2, 5)
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© 2000-2007 J M Goodman, Cambridge; Chemical Informatics Letters ISSN 1752-0010