Editor: Jonathan M Goodman
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- packages
- page
- Amos' WWW links page (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2001, 2, #2)
- Dr Oliver Smart's home page (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2001, 2, #5)
- Bacteria that live in the dark (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 13, #5, 60)
- Mendeleev and other peoples tables (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 13, #6, 68)
- Royal Society Archives on line (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 13, #4, 40)
- Front page to the internet (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2007, 14, #2, 18)
- PageRank
- pages
- papers
- Finding chemical names in papers and patents (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 12, #1, 3)
- How many papers are correct? (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 11, #3, 34)
- Copyfraud (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2007, 15, #1, 2)
- Rejecting Nobel-Prize-worthy Papers (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 11, #5, 52)
- How to make papers readable (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2007, 14, #5, 51)
- The Chemistry Style Manual (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 9, #2, 18)
- Science on retracted papers (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 12, #4, 39)
- Randomly generated papers (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 10, #5, 57)
- Paragon
- Paragon (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2003, 6, #2, 16)
- parameter
- PASS (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2003, 6, #4, 42)
- past
- patent
- RSS News Feeds for U.S. Pregrant Patent Publications (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 9, #5, 53)
- Open Patent Services (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 9, #2, 14)
- United States Patent 6,907,350 (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 11, #1, 6)
- Are patents good for pharmaceuticals? (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 13, #6, 64)
- Patent changes in USA (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2007, 14, #4, 37)
- Google patent search (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 13, #6, 65)
- Patent Accessibility (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 10, #4, 40)
- Patent peer review (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2007, 14, #6, 64)
- IBM Opens Their Patent Portfolio to Open Source (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 10, #2, 15)
- EU Patent Directive (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 11, #1, 2)
- Guides to patent searching (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 11, #6, 62)
- Patent Primer for Chemists [and Non-Chemists] from the ACS (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2003, 7, #3, 36)
- patented
- patents
- What Every Chemist Should Know about Patents (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2002, 4, #6)
- Finding chemical names in papers and patents (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 12, #1, 3)
- Are patents a good thing? (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 11, #6, 71)
- Are patents good for pharmaceuticals? (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 13, #6, 64)
- Software patents (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 12, #5, 52)
- Software Patents in the EU (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 8, #6, 61)
- path
- Pauling
- PCC (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2007, 14, #4, 47)
- CAS statistical summary (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2000, 1, #1)
- ACS archive (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2002, 4, #2)
- ACS open letter on PubChem - number two (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 11, #3, 25)
- Punch List of Best Practices for Electronic Resources (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 12, #2, 24)
- The Challenges with Substance Databases and Structure Search Engines (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 9, #1, 8)
- Publish or Perish (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 13, #2, 16)
- Some free medical publications (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 10, #1, 8)
- The Challenges with Substance Databases and Structure Search Engines (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 9, #3, 36)
- SPARC Author's Addendum [PDF] (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 9, #6, 71)
- PDFbox
- PDFbox (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2007, 15, #2, 23)
- Pearlman
- peer
- Peers
- people
- Professor Curt Breneman (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2000, 1, #4)
- Prepi (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2003, 7, #6)
- Baik Group (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 9, #4, 44)
- Website access for disabled people (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 11, #4, 40)
- Donall MacDonaill (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2002, 5, #5, 7)
- peoples
- per
- performance
- Perish
- Permanent
- Perry
- Pesticide
- Pfam
- Pfam (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2002, 4, #1)
- pharmaceuticals
- Pharma-Transfer
- phase
- PhD
- PhysChem
- Physical
- Physical Properties Database (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2001, 3, #1)
- PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2001, 3, #4)
- Physical Properties (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2007, 14, #1, 12)
- Finding Physical Properties of Chemicals on the Web (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 8, #5, 54)
- Physico-informatics
- Physics
- h-number (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 11, #3, 28)
- Google Trends (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 12, #6, 62)
- Institute of Physics full text (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2003, 6, #2, 17)
- Physics Preprint Server (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2002, 5, #4, 8)
- PhysicsWeb
- pigments
- PIMS-LIMS (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 12, #2, 21)
- Pirelli
- pKa
- PKS (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 13, #5, 52)
- Planck
- Planning
- Plastics
- plc
- PLoS
- PLoS)
- policies
- policy
- Polymers
- Polyols
- Polytechnic
- Portal
- What Every Chemist Should Know about Patents (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2002, 4, #6)
- Chemical Informatics Portal (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 8, #1, 4)
- ACS meeting archive (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 12, #1, 2)
- Chemistry Heroes (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 11, #1, 11)
- ADMET (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2003, 6, #4, 47)
- Portfolio
- position
- powerful
- PowerMV
- PowerMV (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2007, 14, #2, 21)
- Practices
- Precedings
- Predict
- prediction
- Predictive
- Pregrant
- Prepi
- Prepi (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2003, 7, #6)
- Preprint
- preprints
- Pre-prints
- preservation
- president
- Prestige
- Prices
- Primer
- print
- Biology on ArXiv e-print server (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2003, 7, #4, 43)
- Google Print (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 10, #4, 37)
- Google Library Project and fair use (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 11, #1, 5)
- Index Medicus to cease print at the end of 2004 (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 8, #6, 72)
- Nanotechnology - good enough to eat? (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 13, #4, 42)
- printed
- Prize
- Prizes
- Probes
- problems
- Common User Agent Problems (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2001, 2, #3)
- Unsolved problems in chemistry (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2007, 14, #3, 35)
- Opensource problems (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 8, #5, 52)
- Visa problems for scientists visiting the USA (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 12, #3, 36)
- Problems in (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2003, 7, #5, 59)
- products
- Marvin Applets (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2001, 2, #1)
- Web Start (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2001, 3, #4)
- Household products database (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 8, #2, 18)
- Dialog (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 10, #4, 39)
- Chemical Thesaurus (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2003, 6, #6, 69)
- Handbook of Fluorescent Probes and Research Products (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2002, 5, #1, 5)
- Prof
- Professor
- Professor Frank Hollinger (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2000, 1, #3)
- Professor Curt Breneman (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2000, 1, #4)
- Professor Jie Liang (University of Illinois at Chicago) (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2000, 1, #1)
- Professor Lev Goldfarb (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2002, 5, #2, 11)
- Professor John C Huffman (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2003, 6, #5, 60)
- Chemistry publishing (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 13, #4, 37)
- Program
- programmers
- programming
- programs
- Chemical Java programs (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2001, 3, #3)
- Molecular Modelling Programs (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2001, 3, #6)
- Molecular Modelling Programs (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2002, 5, #6, 1)
- Molecular Modelling Programs (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2003, 7, #6, 61)
- Survey of molecular modelling programs (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 11, #6, 61)
- Survey of molecular modelling programs (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 13, #6, 61)
- Survey of molecular modelling programs (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 9, #6, 61)
- project
- Human Genome Project Working Draft Sequence (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2000, 1, #1)
- The Open Science Project (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2000, 1, #6)
- Project Gutenberg (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2001, 2, #4)
- Digital Media Project (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 10, #3, 32)
- Google Library Project and fair use (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 11, #1, 5)
- Internet Scout Project (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 11, #2, 17)
- GRID: Virtual laboratory project (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2002, 5, #3, 11)
- Free Software Project for Atomic-scale Simulations (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2003, 6, #1, 6)
- Project Gutenberg (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 10, #1, 6)
- Projects
- JCAMP (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2000, 1, #5)
- Image space is small? (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2007, 15, #2, 14)
- MyStructure (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 13, #6, 69)
- IUPAC Chemical Identifier (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 9, #2, 17)
- Nomenclature and representation (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 13, #4, 41)
- Shastra (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2002, 5, #5, 9)
- Collaborative Computational Projects (CCPs) (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2001, 2, #5)
- Properties
- Properties of Organic Compounds (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2001, 3, #1)
- Physical Properties Database (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2001, 3, #1)
- Physical Properties (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2007, 14, #1, 12)
- Molinspiration (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2003, 7, #6, 70)
- Thermochemical Properties (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 11, #6, 70)
- Finding Physical Properties of Chemicals on the Web (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 8, #5, 54)
- property
- Property Calculation (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2002, 4, #1)
- Actelion Property Explorer (May 2002) (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2002, 4, #5)
- Physical Properties (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2007, 14, #1, 12)
- OSIRIS property explorer (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 13, #3, 33)
- Public interest benchmarks for intellectual property (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 11, #4, 45)
- Proposal
- proposals
- Protein
- Protein-Ligand
- Proteins
- proteomics
- provisional
- Generic Source-Based Nomenclature for Polymers (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2000, 1, #2)
- IUPAC provisional recommendations (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 12, #2, 18)
- Glossary for Toxicokinetics of Chemicals (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2003, 7, #1, 5)
- IUPAC names (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 8, #5, 57)
- Proposal for roentgenium (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 8, #6, 64)
- JCAMP (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 11, #4, 38)
- PSIdev
- PSIgate
- Pubchem
- ACS and PubChem (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 10, #6, 72)
- ACS open letter on PubChem - number two (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 11, #3, 25)
- Pubchem (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 12, #6, 72)
- PubChem (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 10, #4, 45)
- PubChem (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 11, #4, 48)
- PubChem Accuracy (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 12, #3, 33)
- How big is PubChem? (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 13, #6, 66)
- The Senate comment on PubChem (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 11, #1, 1)
- PubChem training (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 13, #5, 50)
- Elsevier MDL collaborates with NIH on PubChem (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 12, #3, 29)
- PubChem and the NIH (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 9, #1, 4)
- PubCrawler
- PubGene
- PubGene (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2001, 2, #6)
- public
- JAS (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2000, 1, #6)
- EJI (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2001, 2, #4)
- Public Library of Science (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2001, 2, #4)
- Innovative Journals (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2001, 3, #1)
- New York Public Library Digital Gallery (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 10, #3, 36)
- Enhanced Public Access to NIH Research Information (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 9, #5, 54)
- The public's library and digital archive (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2002, 5, #2, 10)
- MDL/Elsevier acquires the Beilstein database (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2007, 14, #4, 45)
- Sharing Data (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 12, #5, 56)
- International Symposium on Open Access and the Public Domain in Digital Data and Information for Science (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2003, 6, #3, 34)
- The end of the public domain (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 11, #3, 33)
- Public Science in the USA (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 12, #6, 63)
- Public Library of Science [PLoS] losing money (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 13, #1, 6)
- Public molecules (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 9, #6, 68)
- NIH Calls on Scientists to Speed Public Release of Research Publications (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 10, #2, 22)
- PLoS: Public Library of Science (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2003, 7, #4, 44)
- Public Library of Science (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2003, 6, #1, 9)
- Website access for disabled people (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 11, #4, 40)
- Public interest benchmarks for intellectual property (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 11, #4, 45)
- Public access to academic libraries (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 13, #1, 3)
- publication
- publications
- RSS News Feeds for U.S. Pregrant Patent Publications (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 9, #5, 53)
- A study of the effects of alternative business models for scholarly journals (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 12, #1, 4)
- NIH Calls on Scientists to Speed Public Release of Research Publications (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 10, #2, 22)
- Some free medical publications (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 10, #1, 8)
- House of Commons Science and Technology Committee - Fourteenth Report (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 9, #6, 67)
- Scientific Publications: Free for all? (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 9, #1, 3)
- Web links in scholarly publications (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2003, 7, #5, 53)
- Journal publications (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2002, 5, #4, 11)
- Publish
- Publisher
- publishing
- Reasons for open access publishing (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2007, 14, #3, 26)
- ACS ends publishing moratorium for trade-embargo countries (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 8, #4, 45)
- Scientific publishing since Oldenburg (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 12, #1, 10)
- Publishing Technology plc (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2007, 14, #4, 43)
- Scholarly Publishing (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 8, #1, 8)
- Brussels Declaration On STM Publishing (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2007, 14, #5, 59)
- Chemistry publishing (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 13, #4, 37)
- Wellcome Trust requires Open Source publishing (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 10, #3, 27)
- On-line publishing financial models (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2005, 11, #3, 31)
- PubMed
- Medline coverage (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 9, #4, 40)
- The difference between MedLine and PubMed (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2006, 13, #1, 5)
- PubMed Central Back issue scanning (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 8, #3, 28)
- European PubMed? (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2004, 9, #6, 66)
- PubScience
- Punch
- PyMOL (Chem. Inf. Lett. 2003, 7, #6)
- Python
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© 2000-2007 J M Goodman, Cambridge; Chemical Informatics Letters ISSN 1752-0010